
Surefire Resources (ASX:SRN) enhances gold footprint at Yidby

March 21, 2022 06:47 PM AEDT | By Akshay
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  • Surefire has shared exciting drill results for its Yidby gold project in the prolific Murchison region of Western Australia.
  • The gold assay results have recommended the newly discovered zone included NW trending structures with broad gold intersections.
  • The company anticipates to further extend the footprint with the next round of drilling scheduled for mid-April.

Western Australia-focused minerals exploration and development company Surefire Resources NL (ASX:SRN) shared exciting drill results for its Yidby gold project in the prolific Murchison region.

The preliminary drilling of MMI gold anomalies has returned broad gold intercepts 400m to the west of the Yidby deposit. Surefire believes that the latest assay results substantially enhance the gold footprint at the project.

Suggested Read: Surefire Resources NL (ASX:SRN) ticks all the right boxes at WA projects

Drilling at the MMI gold anomaly at the Yidby gold deposit intercepted wide gold intersections including –

  • YBRC024 - 16m @ 1.39 g/t Au from 16m within the envelope of 56m at 0.60 g/t Au from 12m

Substantial intersections as 4m composites and RC drill collars Source: Surefire Resources announcement 21 March 2022

The new discovery at the YBRC024 drillhole is 400m NW of the Yidby deposit. The gold assay results have recommended the newly discovered zone included NW trending structures with broad gold intersections.

Surefire Resources

Preliminary cross-section of holes YBRC018, 024, and 027 at the Yidby Gold Project Source: Surefire Resources announcement 21 March 2022

In January, the company had shared drill results and had delineated targets developed from the geophysical interpretation and geological logging at the gold project. A surface geochemical anomaly on the major north-west shear was also identified. The final results from the hole YBRC024 significantly improved moderate gold intercepts which had already been reported.

Hole YBRC024 represents a fresh centre of gold mineralisation. The extensive potential of the gold mineralised centre is confirmed as shear-host gold mineralisation had been predicted on applying the mineralisation model at the project.

Must Read: Surefire Resources’ scoping study paints a bright picture for Perenjori Iron Project

Notably, gold mineralisation is located within a thick zone. Furthermore, a shallow supergene zone is interpreted to be located on top of the interpreted gold lode.

Drilling to extend the Yidby gold deposit

Surefire considers the Yidby gold deposit to be open to the north, north-west and south-east. A drill rig has been booked for up to 4,000m drill campaign targeting extensions and untested MMI anomalies. In the east-south-east, the drilling program will target the possible extension of gold mineralised intersections at the YBRC045 hole.

The company anticipates further extending the footprint with the next round of drilling scheduled for mid-April.

Expert Talks With Mr Vladimir Nikolaenko - Executive Director of Surefire Resources


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