
EarlyBirds partners with ImpactX summit to help businesses achieve net zero goals

September 29, 2022 03:08 PM AEST | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • EarlyBirds has partnered with the 2nd Impact X Summit for accelerating action towards achieving the target of net zero emissions.
  • The summit will be held from 9 to 11 November in Sydney at the International Convention & Exhibition Centre.
  • The summit will bring together climate innovators, impact investors, and high-level government and business decision-makers.

EarlyBirds, an Australia-based innovation company, has made a name for itself through the development of a global open innovation ecosystem that brings together early-adopter companies and connects them with suitable innovators, subject matter experts (SMEs), and consultants.

Being a forward-thinking business that cares about the environment, EarlyBirds has made a strategic move and partnered with the 2nd Impact X Summit to accelerate action towards achieving  a net zero and nature-positive future. It is offering discounted tickets for those who wish to attend the event.

More details on the summit are available here.


Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Blackboard373 | 

Solving global problems
EarlyBirds believes the 2nd Impact X Summit will bring exposure to its global open innovation ecosystem platform and to services that can expedite the launching of impact technologies into the marketplace. This can help in solving global problems and meeting the UN’s goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

 Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Ivelinr |

The net zero planning of companies seeks to reduce the overall amount of greenhouse gases produced due to human activity by curbing emissions and finding new technologies that can absorb surplus carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

EarlyBirds believes that this scenario shall have a lasting and positive impact on people and the planet. Impact X believes that the proper use of the EarlyBirds global open innovation ecosystem platform could result in more efficient link-up between early-adopter companies and innovative technologies and SMEs, thus helping businesses and individuals meet their net zero goals.

Source: © Shutter999 |

Benefitting from the EarlyBirds platform

EarlyBirds states that that it has assisted many individuals and businesses in improving their capacity, speed, and culture and overcoming complex business and technical challenges. The EarlyBirds global platform already has over 4 million innovators, around 600+ early-adopter organisations, and hundreds of SMEs.

The platform can not only be of benefit in meeting environmental challenges, but also help businesses that are seeking to grow to become more relevant, as well as helping creative innovators secure the funding required to give shape to their cutting-edge technologies in the marketplace.

 If you wish to learn more about the EarlyBirds global open innovation ecosystem platform, you can head over to the EarlyBirds website. Interested parties can also learn about how EarlyBirds brings together early adopter companies, innovative technologies, and SMEs for the good of climate change or other individual and business goals.


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