
How can EarlyBirds help map innovation possibilities for pink hydrogen?

September 08, 2022 05:24 PM AEST | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • Hydrogen-powered sources of energy have grabbed the attention amid rising concerns about curbing emissions worldwide.
  • The EarlyBirds platform can help various stakeholders in the hydrogen space to develop, find and implement suitable innovations.
  • Various components of the EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem can help in fast-tracking the development of ubiquitous nuclear-enabled hydrogen.

Among many clean technologies that can help in curbing carbon emissions, hydrogen has long been one of the most promising sources on the list. The latest and most interesting advancement in the hydrogen extraction process is termed pink hydrogen. This variety of hydrogen uses nuclear energy to make hydrogen electrolytically.

Hydrogen has gained immense popularity in recent times as hydrogen in fuel cells itself doesn’t lead to emissions. Moreover, an equally effective process for extracting hydrogen has not been discovered by scientists to date.

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Dolgachov |

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Dolgachov | 

Various types of hydrogen extraction processes

EarlyBirds, a cutting-edge technology ecosystem innovator, is garnering attention for the possibility of utilising nuclear-enabled hydrogen as a large-scale, zero-carbon source of energy.

There are other ways of extracting hydrogen, and every alternative way has its pros and cons with respect to extraction efficiency, carbon emissions, and the overall cost involved. Broadly, hydrogen extracted from these processes is classified as grey, blue, and green hydrogen.

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Mrdoomits |

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Mrdoomits | 

How can EarlyBirds help?

EarlyBirds can tap offerings from high-performing global start-ups, scale-ups as well as mature innovators. This can further help in executing the industry’s latest innovations across established organisations.

Besides innovators, the EarlyBirds platform also comprises Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). These SMEs assist organisational leaders in discovering innovators whose offerings (products, services, as well as processes) can be the most suitable to overcome the prevailing and pressing challenges in the industry.

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: EarlyBirds

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: EarlyBirds 

EarlyBirds invites business leaders and government officials who steer renewable and futuristic energy generation in their country or organisations to sign up for the EarlyBirds platform as Early Adopters. These business leaders can further get in touch with EarlyBirds to discuss their strategies, plans and challenges to develop the capabilities required to attain their goals.

You can visit the EarlyBirds Website to find out more about EarlyBirds and its services.  


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