
How EarlyBirds helps in tackling challenges due to organisational silos across big organisations

September 14, 2022 07:00 AM AEST | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • As organisations grow in size and years of existence, they tend to become siloed, which hampers their productivity.
  • EarlyBirds highlights several events where the siloed nature of organisations has only caused challenges for them.
  • EarlyBirds can help in addressing challenges of organisational silos through its platform, data, and processes.

EarlyBirds, an Australian industry ecosystem company, states that siloed institutions are sometimes unable to move fast and efficiently. In several instances, companies become so big and complex to manage that they become victims of their own success.

An organisation is more likely to become siloed as it grows in its size and duration of existence. The overall performance of organisational units that are vital for productivity can be hampered due to a lack of communication between these units.

EarlyBirds innovation

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: EarlyBirds

You can visit and sign up as early adopters if you are looking to connect with such trailblazing innovators within your ranks.

Multiple instances to learn from

A report published by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) in 2017 demonstrates a suitable example of inefficiencies in the government due to a lack of coordination, communication, and a coherent vision.

EarlyBirds Innovation

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media ® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Viteethumb |

Another infamous failed event, the launch of the website. Preliminarily, the low demand for its website’s log-on system was anticipated as some functions like the option to shop for products did not require logging in. In a later stage, changes were introduced, and all users were required to log in. This change didn’t allow enough time for the infrastructure to be properly scaled.

Due to multiple instances of such top-to-bottom failures, the budget of the website project increased from US$93.7 million to approximately US$1.7 billion.

How can EarlyBirds help?

EarlyBirds is aiming to use transformative technology to revolutionise and streamline the way big organisations undertake internal communication and strategizing to solve the most critical problems in their country or industry. These big organisations include governments as well as multi-billion-dollar public corporations.

The EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem brings together innovators, early adopters, and subject matter experts to discover solutions to critical business challenges, which are hampering the profit and even progress of companies as well as industries in entirety.

The platform, data and processes of EarlyBirds can empower businesses of various kinds and sizes to tackle various challenges related to organisational silos. Besides this, EarlyBirds can also enhance the ability to act like a start-up to enable government digital transformation programs and strategies.

You can learn more about the several networking opportunities that EarlyBirds offers to industry leaders at the EarlyBirds website.​


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