
EarlyBirds aims to bridge the global gender gap in business through latest partnership

August 11, 2022 10:25 PM PDT | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • EarlyBirds has partnered with the Women in Leadership Summit to support the closing of the gender gap in businesses globally.
  • EarlyBirds looks to connect with people who are working on finding ways to bridge the gender gap in business.
  • The EarlyBirds platform and services can be used by individuals and businesses to know where they can apply their talents to help close the gender gap.

In a significant development, EarlyBirds has partnered with the Women in Leadership Summit with an aim to enhance gender parity across organisations globally. The summit is scheduled to be held in Sydney from 22 – 25 November 2022. Through this partnership, EarlyBirds intends to support the closing of the gender gap in businesses globally and network with individuals who are engaging in discovering ways to do the same.

According to the findings of the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 of the World Economic Forum, COVID-19 and several shocks in the global economy continue to act as obstacles in the way of closing the gender gap.

Need to increase women presence and participation

EarlyBirds has emphasised the need for better preparedness for the social order of the future. Moreover, it is also required to make sure that an increased number of women are joining the industries and professions of the future and contributing to future economies.

Furthermore, EarlyBirds believes that in a technology-dominated economy, the presence and participation of women must be ensured across artificial intelligence, cloud computing, data, biotechnology, etc. Importantly, women must also be a part of the way these systems are designed for the future.

EarlyBirds Women in Leadership Summit

Source: EarlyBirds

How can women become mentors of other women?

EarlyBirds anticipates that the Women in Leadership Summit would deliver valuable advice for women who strive to move up the corporate ladder. The summit will also offer insights into the ways leaders at all levels can become mentors of other women across organisations as well as beyond.

The EarlyBirds platform facilitates connecting innovators with enthusiastic early adopter businesses. These innovators are engaged in doing new and exciting work while the early adopters are the ones searching for new technologies to implement to enhance the functioning of a specific as well as all parts of their organisation or solve even problems arising across different industries.

EarlyBirds Women in Leadership Summit

Image Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds

According to Harvard Business Review, gender diversity has a favourable impact on radical innovation. Moreover, some highly successful companies strongly believe that a mix of diverse talents results in forming the best teams.

It might be a challenging task to close the gender gap within an IT enterprise, but it is a critical task which will support the overall performance of each team.

EarlyBirds Women in Leadership Summit

Image Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds

All in all, the EarlyBirds platform and services can help individuals and businesses by steering them in the right direction to apply their talents and help close the gender gap. The EarlyBirds platform has more than 4 million innovators as well as data on different types of industry innovators and their invaluable technology and services, which have the potential to support an individual or a business to shape strategies and outcomes.


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