
EarlyBirds helping businesses reinforce their tech preparedness

June 09, 2022 12:15 PM AEST | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • Often, it becomes tough for businesses to keep pace with the innovative technology trends useful for them.
  • EarlyBirds can help organisations avoid the unwanted surprises from new technologies by keeping tabs on ongoing innovations.
  • EarlyBirds’ ecosystem facilitates technology advancement and adoption across businesses.

In the business context, technology preparedness has turned out to be a critical factor for businesses. To some extent, businesses have got no choice but to integrate technology into their daily business operations for delivering process efficiencies, cost savings, automation, etc.

As per an article published by the World Economic Forum that cited a McKinsey report on the top 10 trends that will affect the next decade, it is important for businesses to be prepared for new technologies in the coming decades.

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EarlyBirds, an innovative business, has developed an ecosystem that fosters technology advancement and adoption across businesses. This can help organisations avoid unwelcome surprises from new technologies.

Enabling businesses to keep up with latest technology trends

EarlyBirds believes that always being aware of what customers are saying can also help businesses keep up with latest technology trends. This way businesses can discover what can be done to help their customers including the ways latest technologies can be implemented for better services.

EarlyBirds further states the technology team of a business can stay up to date about vital technological developments by joining local groups of interest, wherein other businesses in similar space deal with similar challenges, opportunities, and trends.

Besides this, Forbes highlights the following ways through which businesses can keep up with latest technology trends:

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Image Source: © Blackboard373 | | Data Source: EarlyBirds

Formation of EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem

One of the key challenges in this context is that business owners and managers have less or no time to focus on technology trends as they are generally busy with managing routine business. This is amongst the top reasons behind the formation of EarlyBirds’ open innovation ecosystem.

EarlyBirds technology adoption

Source: © Peshkova |

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Broadly, the ecosystem comprisess an award-winning open ecosystem platform and programs. The programs include the Explorer and Challenger programs, which have been developed to enable businesses to focus on researching trends that align with their specific use cases.

These programs help businesses keep abreast of progressive industry developments that impact the present as well as the future.

EarlyBirds Programs and Edzility framework

The Explorer program aims at accelerating the technological innovation process for the whole organisation as a service. Several features of the program are:

  • A nominated Subject Matter Expert for the business
  • Weekly webinars to help stimulate innovation in the organisation
  • Quarterly and monthly innovation days
  • Focus on specific types of innovations
  • A platform enterprise licence

On the other hand, the Challenger program is designed for organisations that prefer to concentrate on one specific challenge for the business at a time.

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The Edzlity framework is another key offering of EarlyBirds that can help businesses execute continuous enhancement efforts with the end goal of having a better competitive edge and organisational agility.

EarlyBirds technology adoption 

Source: © Yingyaipumi |

All these offerings of EarlyBirds are underpinned by its award-winning global open innovation ecosystem that has over 4 million innovators.

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EarlyBirds believes that becoming an early adopter may help businesses become aware of emerging technologies. To know more, visit

Innovators who want to participate in the Early Birds open innovation system can visit You can also find out more about EarlyBirds at  


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