
How can EarlyBirds help in decarbonising global shipping through innovative solutions?

June 29, 2022 10:27 AM AEST | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • EarlyBirds is open to helping organisations with an aim of decarbonising global shipping by employing innovative solutions.
  • EarlyBirds remains confident that it can be the ideal partner for organisations in addressing complicated challenges of the global shipping industry.
  • Various elements of the EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem can be used to develop as well as track innovative solutions for various challenges.

EarlyBirds, a creator of the unique global open innovation ecosystem, states that demand for the oil marine bunker fuel was estimated to achieve new highs in 2025. This would enable marine LNG to become the main source for market growth past 2025. However, gas prices in Europe have taken a hit due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, which can possibly delay the transition to LNG in Europe.

EarlyBirds is open to helping organisations with their goal of decarbonising global shipping by using innovative solutions.

The open innovation ecosystem of EarlyBirds brings together early adopter organizations, innovators, subject matter experts (SMEs) and collaborates to expedite technology advancement and adoption across diverse industries.

EarlyBirds decarbonising global shipping

Source: © Khunaspix |

ALSO READ: Here’s how EarlyBirds can drive authentic innovation across organisations

Key forecasts shaping outlook for global shipping space

Earlier projections indicate that the worldwide marine fuel market could start to decline in the early 2030s. Synthetic e-fuels are estimated to become more common after 2040 as green hydrogen capacity becomes more accessible.

EarlyBirds decarbonising global shipping

Source: EarlyBirds

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EarlyBirds states that the above-mentioned measures will not be enough to decarbonise the maritime space. The Company believes that robust new fuel efficiency standards need to be established in order to curb emissions at a faster rate after 2030 for global shipping to achieve its target.

Synthetic e-fuels developed from green hydrogen can potentially become the ultimate renewable shipping fuel. Additionally, varieties of ammonia, methanol and diesel could possibly help in achieving low- and zero-carbon fuels, but production costs are presently high.

Can EarlyBirds be an ideal partner for businesses?

EarlyBirds believes that it can become an ideal partner for businesses to tackle these complex and tricky challenges for the shipping industry worldwide. Several capabilities of EarlyBirds can be used to device a solution, including the following:

  • Applying its Challenger and Explorer programs
  • Using the power of its award-winning global platform of open innovation to specify challenges
  • Map the innovation ecosystem that serves as the foundation for the solutions required to solve these complex problems

EarlyBirds decarbonising global shipping

Source: © Khunaspix |

EarlyBirds is also inviting innovators to help solve such challenges.

RELATED READ: EarlyBirds helping businesses reinforce their tech preparedness

EarlyBirds decarbonising global shipping

Source: EarlyBirds

EarlyBirds offerings to assist businesses

The open innovation ecosystem of EarlyBirds for Early Adopter Organisations broadly comprises two elements, including the Explorer program and the Challenger program. The former aims at expediting the technological innovation process for the complete organisation as a service, while the latter is for the organisations focussing on a single challenge at a time.

Besides this, the use of EarlyBirds’ Edzility framework can further help businesses with their constant enhancement efforts with the goal of attaining a superior competitive edge and organisational agility.

EarlyBirds decarbonising global shipping

Source: © Onlyinbkk |

ALSO READ: EarlyBirds facilitating innovations in transport infrastructure and operations space

If you are a business owner or a manager and are interested to learn more about the EarlyBirds Marketplace, you can visit the EarlyBirds website. You can also learn about various ways in which EarlyBirds can help organisations decarbonise global shipping.


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