
How can EarlyBirds assist businesses to level up their capabilities for metaverse?

July 27, 2022 03:00 PM AEST | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • The metaverse has the potential to offer new revenue opportunities as well as productivity improvement for businesses across various industries.
  • EarlyBirds can help businesses in preparing for the metaverse and cash in on the stream of upcoming opportunities.
  • The elements of the EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem can help businesses fast-track the technology adoption process.

One of the hottest buzzwords in the tech world, the metaverse is being hailed as the next big thing, with some even calling it as the future of the internet.

While there is no fixed common definition of the metaverse, marketers do agree that it will present a plethora of new opportunities to interact with consumers in novel ways while fostering brand innovations and their internal capabilities in completely new and unexplored directions.

An Australia-based innovative firm, EarlyBirds has highlighted that it can help organisations get all prepped up for the metaverse and benefit from the new opportunities in the coming times.

EarlyBirds is inviting businesses looking to adopt new technologies to register as early adopters on the EarlyBirds platform. Know more at

Opportunities surrounding metaverse

Amid the developing metaverse economy, marketers can benefit from various opportunities as they are exposed to a new range of innovative ways to engage with consumers and provide a diverse array of products and services.

EarlyBirds believes that organisations need to be prepared in order to match the pace of technology and take advantage of the huge opportunities offered by this development. This provides new revenue opportunities, comprising productivity enhancement across diverse industries.

Some of the common elements that offer insights into the metaverse include the following:

EarlyBirds metaverse technology

Image Source: © Blacksalmon | | Data Source: EarlyBirds

EarlyBirds also believes that the metaverse will play a significant role in the designing and manufacturing space – an idea well substantiated by Boeing’s plans to develop a digital world for designing new aircrafts.

EarlyBirds is inviting technology innovators to take part in the EarlyBirds Innovation Ecosystem and find prospective customers. These innovators are anticipated to play a pivotal role in the advancement of metaverse.

EarlyBirds metaverse technology

Source: © Denisismagilov |

Through EarlyBirds, these innovators can engage with early adopters and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and make collaborative efforts to figure out ways to benefit from the metaverse. For more, visit:

EarlyBirds’ programs and offerings

The award-winning EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem is composed of more than 4 million innovators and two innovation-enabling programs – the Explorer program and the Challenger program.

The Explorer program involves accelerating the technological innovation process for the complete organisation as a service, while the Challenger program aims to focus on a single issue at a time.

Besides this, EarlyBirds also offers the Edzility framework that can support businesses with their efforts for consistent enhancements in order to level up their competitive edge and organisational agility.

If you are interested in knowing more about the EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem and the ways EarlyBirds can help organisations prepare for the opportunities presented by metaverse, you can visit the EarlyBirds website.


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