
Tempest Minerals (ASX: TEM) issues latest exploration update for Yalgoo region projects

June 21, 2023 01:46 PM AEST | By Ankit Sethi
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  • Drilling activity last year intercepted "strong" peripheral mineralisation (copper and rare earths)
  • Tempest holds a substantial 1,000 sq. km landholding in the highly prospective polymetallic belt
  • Geophysics survey, and multiple field campaigns (geochem and pre-drill planning) are planned in 3Q

Mineral exploration company Tempest Minerals Ltd (ASX: TEM) -- having a rich portfolio of assets in Western Australia (WA) -- has provided the latest exploration update regarding its projects in the Yalgoo region. Notably, TEM has 1,000 sq. km landholding in the highly prospective polymetallic belt. The company says that previous drilling activity underlined the "ongoing prospectivity", including for copper (Cu), gold (Au), and rare earths.

Image source: Company update

The upcoming exploration in 3Q includes a large-scale geophysics survey, alongside planning for multiple field campaigns including geochem and pre-drill.

TEM is also working on planning and approvals for drilling 4km Remorse base metal target in 4Q.

Source: Company update


TEM has confirmed that further analysis with respect to Yalgoo region projects is in process, alongside plans for multiple exploration campaigns including surface geochemistry, regional geophysics, and drilling. This comes in the backdrop of four project areas of the company -- Messenger, Meleya, War West, and Euro -- in the Yalgoo region.

TEM informs that the Yalgoo Mineral Belt spans roughly 4,000 sq.km, with the company holding a footprint of over 1,000 sq.km. The region is considered highly prospective by TEM, which has undertaken diverse exploration works that have discovered multiple zones of mineralisation in previously unrecognised terrains.


This project of Tempest in Yalgoo spans more than 170 sq.km and has a continuous strike that borders the world-class EMR Golden Grove base and precious metal mine and other gold assets including the Gnows Nest.

War West

War West is said to host large-scale geochemical indicator anomalies across a 55 sq.km land holding. TEM mentions that successful gold prospecting and artisanal mining has happened in the area for a long time.


Tempest Minerals mentions that multiple exploration and drill targets have shown potential for gold and Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide mineralisation. Late last year, the company undertook targeted drill programs and a large-scale surface geochemistry program at target areas.

At Meleya, the company recently announced a substantial anomaly known as the Remorse Target, comprising three distinct zones. To know more, read here.


This is the southernmost exploration package for Tempest in the region and has a combined total of 165 sq.km granted tenure. The company undertook multiple reconnaissance mapping projects in 2021-2022. Later last year, a diamond drill program was conducted that showed polymetallic prospectivity.

TEM's upcoming exploration plans in Yalgoo are summarised in the below picture.

Source: Company update

TEM ASX shares traded at AU$0.013 (market cap over AU$6 million) midday on 21 June 2023.


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