
Is MediKane’s NutriKane R an answer to healthy functioning gut? - Kalkine Media

January 31, 2023 04:20 PM AEDT | By Aditi Sarkar
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  • Your body's build, genetic history, stress level, and most importantly, the food you eat can affect your gut health.
  • MediKane provides NutriKane R, which has been proven to improve gut health.
  • NutriKane R is a 100% natural and concentrated medical food, rich in dietary fibres and essential trace elements and micronutrients.

Nowadays, people are becoming more concerned of the gut role in overall health. Prioritising your gut health is a great way to put your body in a smooth working order. However, there are many factors that can impact gut health. Your body's build, genetic history, stress level, and most importantly, the food you eat can all affect your gut.

Australia-based life sciences firm 'MediKane' provides NutriKane R, which the company says has been clinically proven in Australian hospitals, to improve gut health. Sourced from natural Australian ingredients, NutriKane R is free from harsh chemicals and specifically developed to improve regularity.

MediKane aspires to become a leading name in the plant-based 'Food-as-Medicine' health space. Focused on treating several global chronic health conditions, the company develops plant-based treatments by using natural Australian ingredients. NutriKane D, NutriKane R, and SugarKane Fibre comprise the product portfolio of MediKane. NutriKane is the umbrella brand for NutriKane D and NutriKane R.

© 2023 Krish Capital Pty. Ltd, Data source: company update

What is gut health?

Gut health refers to the collective health of our digestive system, where food is crushed down into individual nutrients and absorbed into our bodies. The digestive, or gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a long, muscular tube running from your mouth to your anus, digesting food.

When you eat something, the process starts with your food  being chewed up and ends with your stool. A lot happens in between, which is known as digestion. The digestion is a very dynamic process involving several organs and enzymes.

Further, there are several different microbiomes in our digestive system, collectively known as the gut microbiome. These are also an essential part of the gut health.

NutriKane R

There has been growing lifestyle-related GI problems  with few quick fixes. Basically, people deal with them by eating a healthy diet, adding in some exercise, and getting a good amount of sleep.

NutriKane R has been created scientifically by MediKane to enhance gut health and improve bowel regularity. It is a concentrated, all-natural medical food that is high in fibre and vital micronutrients.

Despite not being a laxative, it alleviates constipation by improving gut health in general and encouraging regular bowel movements, according to MediKane. Because the product is made of natural dietary fibres, it functions as a potent prebiotic, which promotes the growth of healthy bacteria while lowering the quantity of inflammatory bacteria in the microbiome.

A healthy microbiome means a healthy functioning gut and, overall, a healthy body. MediKane claims that NutriKane R can promote healthy bowel movements, reduce the risk of common bowel health risks, and improve the overall health of your gut.  


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