Basic Rules On How To Build Relationships With Your Own Finances

December 29, 2020 06:23 PM AEDT | By Timothy Miller (Guest)
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“Take advantage of such offers to reduce your expenses yet get the products or services you need.”

Financial experts say that the value of money is not in how much you earn but in what you do with the money. The statement is anchored on the fact that people who earn huge sums yet fail to manage the finances are at a disadvantage compared to those who earn little yet manage it well. The secret to experiencing the value of your money is creating a good relationship such that it will change your life for the better.

Building a relationship with your money should start as early as today. You should not wait to have millions of dollars to think of the relationship. The limited allowance you get, or loan, forms the perfect beginning to build the relationship. According to experts at, college is the best time to begin managing your finances well as you prepare to get into employment and entrepreneurship.

Here are the basic rules that will guide the process of building a relationship with your finances.

  • Create a Budget

Budgeting is the most basic rule for financial management. With a clear knowledge of how much you have at hand, a budget helps you identify priorities and assign each item the amount you wish to spend. You avoid impulse buying, which would cause you to run out of money without fulfilling mandatory obligations.

A budget helps you to identify deficits that could affect your financial goals. It is also a reality check that will jolt you to wake up and look for more money to meet the written objectives. Without a budget, you risk running out of money before the next pay or allowance cycle.

  • Chase Discounts And Offers

Endeavour to spend as little money as possible yet get the highest value. Manufacturers and sellers are always offering discounts when launching new products, opening new stores, during seasons, and when clearing stock, among other seasons. Take advantage of such offers to reduce your expenses yet get the products or services you need. Your little finances will do more when you take advantage of such offers.

  • Save Before Spending

A healthy financial relationship must include savings. Keep aside some money to invest in your personal life or your business. This money is called saving. The basic rule about saving is that it comes before expenses. Determine the percentage you want to save and keep it aside whenever money hits your account. It requires a lot of discipline to develop a culture of saving. Set goals to be achieved using the savings so that you have a reason to keep the money aside.

  • Make More Than You Can Spend

Only spend what you have. Avoid debts that arise from overspending or purchasing as you have no idea where you will get the money. It also translates to living within your means. Know how much you have at your disposal and budget for that. In case you need a more expensive item, find extra money through more working hours or starting a business. This is a sure way to avoid debt while living a comfortable financial life.

  • Diversify Your Income Sources

Do not depend on just one source of income. Get an extra job, start a business, or find other ways of generating money. Single income sources are likely to dry up without warning. It leaves you in financial difficulty such that you have to start again. With diversified income sources, one will supplement the other, ensuring that you have decent liquidity throughout.

  • Create An Emergency Fund

There are instances in life when you will need a chunk of money urgently. It is impossible to predict such days. Emergencies are likely to throw you off balance, eating into your savings and causing you to fall into a debt trap. An emergency fund will rescue you. You should also not exhaust your credit limit. Always leave an allowance to get an emergency loan when the situation demands.

In conclusion, record keeping is a crucial part of a strong relationship with your finances. The records help you to track your income and expenditure. In case you have a dispute with a store or cannot trace some finances, the records will give you a better indication. It helps you to reconcile your income and expenditure.

Author Bio

Timothy Miller is a well-known academic writer and blogger. He writes thesis, articles, research papers, and blogs to educate his audience and clients. His impeccable research work in various fields have already been appreciated and published. Having experience of more than 20 years in writing, he loves guiding fellow researchers and content writers.


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