Website design tips that help you sell more

June 24, 2021 08:20 PM AEST | By Anastasiia (Guest)
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The e-commerce market grows day by day thanks to the simplicity of starting an online business. Thus, e-retail revenue is expected to hit 5.4 trillion US dollars by 2022 and 6.38 trillion US dollars by 2024. However, that also makes the competition tough enough, and it can be a challenge for companies to stand out from the competitors. A good place to start both new and existing online shops is with the e-commerce site design. Here you’ll find five pro tips to improve your website design for boosting the conversion rate.

Source: Statista

5 tips to improve your web design to increase sales

Do you know that a better UI (user interface) can increase the conversion rate by up to 200% and better UX (user experience) by up to 400%? As per UsabilityGeek founder, Justin Mifsud, 88% of online shoppers won’t return to the brand in case they have a poor/bad user experience. However, you can fix it by improving your website, using five tips on revamping the site’s design outlined below to increase your business’s revenue.

Tip 1: Keep it simple and use white spaces

The simpler, the better. Don’t overwhelm the site by adding interactive features that can distract the buyers from converting. The simple design of the website includes the following elements:

  • Easily scannable content
  • Identifiable navigation elements
  • Unified colour schemes
  • White space
  • Easily navigable product categories
  • Simple, legible fonts
  • Straight calls to action (CTAs) that stand out on the page

The best way to choose is to approach the design as if you were the end-user. Remember that such design elements like a product-centric layout, colour accents, large fonts, big product images, and white space used in the design are aesthetically pleasing and appealing for the customer’s eye. Just demonstrate the product, add a clear description, and bring the customers up to speed on the purchase without distractions and noise.

Source: Unsplash

Tip 2: Use high-quality visuals

Let the visuals speak for themselves. Relevant images and other visuals added to the site increase conversion by over 40%. Adding large images of the highest quality is a great way to demonstrate and promote the products. They not only turn the spotlight on the product/service but build trust and enhance user experience.

However, only if the visuals are of the highest quality, they will keep your customers engaged. That’s why it’s crucial to use professional photos. Yet, using such services as Crello, non-designers can also create and edit visuals like a pro. This service offers background remover, add text, create animation/video, and many more. So, find the perfect tool for you and make your visuals eye-capturing to keep leads engaged longer and, as a result, increase revenue.

Tip 3: Take care of mobile users - Make your site responsive and fast

Optimize your site, making it responsive and fast. And here are few facts why it’s so crucial for the business:

  • If your site is not responsive, 52% of users said they’re less likely to engage with a company
  • 67% of mobile users will go to the competitors for buying a product or service in case the site isn’t a mobile-friendly one
  • Up to 53% of mobile visitors may leave an online store if the loading time exceeds 3 seconds

So, make sure that your website adapts to whatever device and browser are used to reach your mobile users. Having a functional site that appeals to your audience is also important, yet it can slow it down. Minimalist design with JPG images used is a way to increase the load speed of your site. Also, be mindful of the elements you’re using, leave only the most important functions, and refuse overwhelming interactive elements.

Source: Unsplash

Tip 4: Make checkout a breeze, let it be simple and seamless

Make the checkout process as straightforward as possible. Don’t make your customers struggle to buy a product on your site. So, while creating a checkout page, keep in mind that its design is easy to navigate, clean, and simple.

Here a few tips on how to optimize and improve your checkout page:

  • Let your customers opt for registration or checking out as a guest
  • Break the buying process into several easy steps (with progress bar)
  • Decrease the data fields to fill for registration
  • Clearly label the obligatory fields and data needed to process the purchase
  • Mention different shipping options available (and how much they cost)
  • Direct the buyers to a confirmation page once the purchase is complete, so they know everything went through

In a nutshell, make everything about the buying process as crystal clear and easy as possible.

Tip 5: Use social proof and FAQ

Social proof is another way to build trust. While designing your online store, don’t forget to allow your existing customers to rate and review your products, leave comments, and so on. The positive experience of other buyers can encourage new visitors to purchase. Thus, it’s important to add:

  • Rating section
  • Testimonials section
  • Question-Answer section

By providing an FAQ page, you not only show concern about your customers but increase their loyalty and build trust in your brand. Help your customers to find the needed information about your service and products provided. Don’t forget to make the page easily viewable by adding it in the navigation menu (both top and bottom) as well as a link back to the section where it’s needed.

Key takeaways

Design your e-commerce site with the end-users in mind. The effective online stores’ designs focus on:

  • Usability
  • Positive customer experience
  • Cross-platform adaptability
  • Site layout and visual design

These five tips are bound to help you create a user-friendly site that can engage your customers, build leads, and sell more effectively.

Author Bio

Anastasiia Polokhlyvets is a digital marketing expert at Crello with a background in content, SEO, PR and email and social media marketing. Let`s keep in touch on LinkedIn!


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