
Want to improve your gut health? MediKane’s NutriKane R is here to help - Kalkine Media

December 21, 2022 11:47 AM AEDT | By Aditi Sarkar
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  • MediKane is a natural health products company developing plant-based treatments for several global chronic health conditions
  • NutriKane R has natural ingredients to promote peristalsis, support microbiome function, reduce bloating and irritable bowel and stimulate the intestinal tract
  • NutriKane R has a combination of natural dietary fibres, making it a powerful prebiotic.
  • NutriKane R is high in fibre and essential micronutrients to support gut health

Gut health covers positive aspects of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It helps with healthy immunological function, proper digestion, absorption of food, absence of GI sickness, and a feeling of well-being.  

A healthy microbiome means a healthy functioning gut

MediKane, a company based in Australia, has developed NutriKane R, a 'Food as Medicine' product designed to enhance gut health.

This natural health products company develops plant-based treatments for several global chronic health conditions. The recommended doses for all products are based on scientific ‘dose response curves’ similar to those used in development of pharmaceutical drugs.

NutriKane R has been scientifically formulated with natural ingredients to promote peristalsis, support microbiome function, and stimulate the intestinal tract.

© 2022 Kalkine Media®, Data and image source: Company update

NutriKane R has a combination of natural dietary fibres, making it a powerful prebiotic. It encourages the growth of healthy bacteria and lowers the number of inflammatory bacteria in the microbiome.

It is a vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and nut-free product with no chemical stimulants and artificial colours or flavours. The key ingredients used in the product are sugarcane fibre, pectin, apple, lemon, and lime powder.

Why is gut health important?


Image source: © Doublebrain | Megapixl.com 

The importance of gut health is highlighted by the fact that there is a broad list of digestive symptoms that lead people to seek medical attention and that these complaints are quite prevalent in our community. Nausea, heartburn, vomiting, constipation, food intolerance, stomach pain and cramps, weight loss, loss of appetite, and blood in the stool are some of the symptoms in this category. Most often, these symptoms point to innocuous illnesses that may have an impact on the quality of life but are not life threateniung.

In many ways, good health depends on a healthy GI tract. Numerous findings from clinical research make it abundantly evident that the gut's role is by no means limited to the digestion of food and subsequent absorption of nutrients and liquids. The GI tract helps to maintain health by ensuring the digestion and absorption of nutrients, defending the host against several pathogens, and sending signals from the periphery to the brain.

How can you improve your gut health?

Image source: © Rosshelen | Megapixl.com

A healthy gut has the right balance of bacteria and other microbes in your digestive tract. You can naturally improve your gut health by consuming certain foods and adopting healthy lifestyle habits.

Eating food rich in fibre, and packed with prebiotics, can assist in gut-boosting abilities. Similarly, regular exercise can encourage a surge in various healthy bacteria in the gut.  Products like NutriKane R help optimise diet management.


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