
MediKane: A powerhouse of unique ‘Food-as-Medicine’ products

September 09, 2022 03:02 PM AEST | By Aditi Sarkar
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  • MediKane aspires to emerge as a leader in the safe plant-based Food as Medicine health space.
  • Food as Medicine is based on the idea that consuming certain foods in a controlled amount will produce a particular health outcome.
  • Products of MediKane are designed using natural Australian ingredients with proven health benefits.

The last two years have undoubtedly proved to be an eye-opener for most of us, helping us expand our understanding of health. There has been a renewed focus among consumers on all areas where health could be impacted. Moreover, with increasing lifestyle and chronic diseases such as diabetes, etc., consumers have become more interested in natural, non-drug treatments.

In the current scenario, companies like MediKane have stayed ahead of the curve in developing and providing healthy products made from natural ingredients. Australia-based MediKane is a developer of plant-based natural products, designed to significantly improve long-term chronic health conditions.

The natural health products company is looking to revolutionise the “Food as Medicine” space with its unique offerings, developed using natural Australian ingredients with health benefits and proven evidence to improve health.

Let us first understand the Food as Medicine concept

The Food as Medicine concept does not hold any single definition but is a practice built on the knowledge that food is important for good health and disease prevention.

Contrary to health foods and supplements, which just seek to improve a person's overall health, the concept of Food as Medicine is based on the idea that consuming certain foods in a controlled amount will produce a particular outcome.

Food with medicinal properties such as spices, herbs, nuts, and seeds is also an area of interest for people wanting to maintain good health through natural food. The whole concept is based on increased consumption of minimally processed plant-based foods.

The idea of conventional medicine, which primarily depends on pharmaceutical medications to control health and diseases, is challenged by the Food as Medicine approach to health management.

Pharmaceuticals are made to cause compelling biochemical responses (pathways) in the body, killing microorganisms or inhibiting cellular processes. The risks associated with this kind of treatment are that it may alter the body's biochemistry, urging it to behave differently. This is what results in undesirable events and side effects. Pharmaceuticals have not yet had the widespread impact necessary to treat metabolic illnesses effectively.

Image source: © 2022 Kalkine Media®

What MediKane has to offer

MediKane develops its products in-house, and these products are delivered in the dosage form. The company targets five markets, each of which is global and growing faster than population growth in its respective nations.

The company under its belt has consumer products, namely NutriKane D, NutriKane R and SugarKane Fibre.

  • NutriKane D is the company’s flagship clinically proven plant-based health product, designed to manage blood sugar (glucose) levels.
  • NutriKane R is high in fibre and essential micronutrients. This product, specifically developed to improve regularity, relieves constipation and restores normal function to the gut.
  • Natural, nutrient-rich dietary fibre SugarKane Fibre is designed for gut health management and microbiome/immune support.

Image source: MediKane website

Image description: Product range of MediKane

The products have been developed based on a strong understanding of the modes of action followed by testing for specific outcomes in scientific and clinical trials. Medical benefits of the NutriKane product range have gone through extensive scientific and medical trials, gaining peer-reviewed validation. Medikane plans to launch two more products in a next few months.

Food as Medicine products provide the resources and nutrients that our body needs to improve natural function and manage inflammation. Moreover, these products and pharmaceutical therapies are complementary treatments. It has been found that pharmaceuticals deliver higher efficiency with fewer side effects when applied in adjunct to Food as Medicine products. 


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