
EarlyBirds fosters innovation in food and agriculture with OSINT and Open Innovation Ecosystem

November 09, 2022 12:45 PM AEDT | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • EarlyBirds Open Innovation Ecosystem and the OSINT platform have designed an innovation ecosystem map for businesses in the food and agriculture industries to achieve net-zero carbon emissions goals.
  • EarlyBirds has highlighted various challenges associated with innovating agrifood systems and has also identified multiple opportunities.
  • EarlyBirds’ capabilities can help in connecting businesses of various sizes to net-zero while also using innovative solutions to tackle challenges.

EarlyBirds Open Innovation Ecosystem has developed an innovation ecosystem map in collaboration with the Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) platform. The innovation ecosystem map is intended to help businesses in the food and agriculture industry attain net-zero carbon emissions goals.

Undoubtedly, food and agriculture are essential elements of human society. The significant production of enough food to meet the requirements of the entire population worldwide accounts for around one-third of greenhouse gas emissions globally. Besides this, farming alone accounts for nearly half of the emissions from agriculture.

Transition to net-zero greenhouse emission

In the present-day scenario, the evident consequences of climate change and growing carbon emissions warrant all industries to work on curbing greenhouse gas emissions from their operations.

EarlyBirds highlights that the efforts to minimise carbon emissions shall affect the ways of farming, including the things we eat, and the way forests and other important carbon sink environments are managed. Ground-breaking technologies, innovation, and investment opportunities shall be the major players in the game.

The transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emitting processes is likely to trigger demand for the supplies and equipment that foster the decarbonisation of farms and other food production facilities.

The production of ruminant-animal protein emits an unbalanced amount of greenhouse gas emissions. This could help in expediting the shift in consumer diets towards lower-emission alternatives and further lead to additional economic opportunities.

EarlyBirds highlights opportunities and challenges

EarlyBirds believes that opportunities could arise in digital and financial services for supporting the agriculture industry’s transition to net-zero carbon emissions.

© 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Endostock |

Additional challenges include growing income inequality and a significant amount of food producers globally dwelling in poverty, unable to provide enough food for themselves or their families.

EarlyBirds believes that such situations make it highly challenging for food producers to produce enough food and innovate their farms to adopt climate-friendly solutions.

Growth for all

Efforts are being made to achieve zero hunger by 2030. The FAO believes that science, technology and innovation (STI) can help expedite agrifood systems' shift to enhance efficiency, inclusivity, resilience, and sustainability.

EarlyBirds believes innovation in agrifood systems for enhanced production, nutrition, and an improved environment that provides a better life can help in growth for all. 

© 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Endostock |

How can EarlyBirds help?

EarlyBirds has various offerings that help in fostering innovation at the business level and the industry as a whole. EarlyBirds can help by mapping the global innovation ecosystem of related companies of all sizes for food and agriculture and connecting the same to net zero.

EarlyBirds believes that a food and agriculture innovation ecosystem map is an important element for industries and governments to deploy innovative solutions and services for tackling various challenges.

The innovation ecosystem map of EarlyBirds is developed utilising the award-winning platform of EarlyBirds and subject matter experts engaged with customers to meet their distinct needs. Notably, innovation maps have well over four million global innovators dynamically updated on the EarlyBirds platform.


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