6 Must-Try Free Apps for Language Learning

October 27, 2020 09:04 PM AEDT | By Vivienne Bell (Guest)
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International students in English-speaking countries know how hard it can be to live and study in a place where nobody speaks your language. Although people do come there to immerse in a new culture and learn new things, it’s easy to feel alienated and lonely.

In this article, we will take you through some of the best apps out there that will help you learn English fast and easy. And while you are not so confident in your language skills, let essay writers on EssayPro take care of your writing assignments. In the meantime, please take a look at the list of apps we’ve prepared, and start learning right away!


Duolingo is one of the most popular apps for learning English and for a good reason. The tool contains short lessons where you answer questions in a limited time and score points. The courses are made to adapt to your learning style and habits. This way, the app learns with you, which is kind of exciting.

The site proudly states that 34 hours spent on the app equals an entire semester of college studies. The best part is that you get motivating rewards in the app’s currency with which you can open new levels.

The app is free of cost, but it does contain ads. To unlock the ad-free version, you will need to pay US$8.33 per month or even US$5.83 if you pay in advance for a year.

6,000 Words

This one is perfect for those who feel confident in their grammar skills but want to improve their vocabulary. The words here are divided into categories, which makes it easier to learn by common themes, just like at school. There are multiple groups, from dentistry to fashion.

The app is free, but you can upgrade it to an ad-free version. There are three levels - the first one contains a thousand words, the second one has three thousand, and the last one has six thousand.

Six thousand words also has games meant to help you memorize the words better and transcriptions for every word. Besides, you can listen to a speaker pronouncing the word if transcribed ones are hard to head for you.


HelloTalk is an amazing app made to connect people who want to learn languages. The most natural way of learning a language is through communication, and this is exactly what this app does.

It might seem like you could use any social network for that same purpose. However, this app packs a whole bunch of tools specific to language learning. For example, if you’re talking to a person and you see a mistake in their message, you can correct it for them.

Apart from personal text messages, you can also exchange voice messages and calls. Join groups to talk to many people at once and post your updates or questions on Moments, an analog of a Facebook timeline. You might even make friends on the app, which is a cool bonus.


Beelingu is a reading app with a whole lot of stories on offer. Its unique design combines features of a normal book, an audiobook, and karaoke. Sounds funny but it’s true. The app shows two texts in different languages for you to read and translate. Or you could listen to the book and read along with the karaoke-style highlighted text.

The app stores all kinds of content, from newspaper articles to fairy tales and novels. You can choose whatever you like depending on your personal preferences and the level of English. You can also use the app to learn Turkish, Japanese, Russian, French, and many more languages.


HiNative is one of a kind app for language learning that is designed in a Q&A form. You can post your questions on the app, and native language speakers will answer them. The queries range from “What’s the difference between till and until?” to “Please, help me with homework.”

You can post short passages for someone to help you proofread or just abstracts from your writing for others to assess. Apart from text answers, you can also reply in audio, which is a plus for phonetic skills. The app is free of charge, which is great for cash-strapped students.

BBC Learning English

BBC Learning English is an amazing platform to learn English. There are several categories for users to choose from. From vocabulary practice to grammar and 3-minute daily lessons, the platform is perfect for independent learning. And the best part is that it’s a reputable source so you can be sure nobody is messing with you.

The app even has a Teacher’s Room, where educators can share tips and educate themselves further on new teaching methods or basics.

To Sum Up

There are many different educational platforms out there, but trying to choose one can get overwhelming. Often, people sign up for an app and then end up never using it or just wasting their money. This is where our list comes in handy because all the apps here have free versions and are extremely engaging!

Author bio:

Vivienne Bell has been a passionate writer for her entire life. Upon graduating from MIT's Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, she has found her path as a writer and editor at EssayPro. Helping others with her writing has been her life-long dream.


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