
President Prabowo Inaugurates Pegadaian Gold Bank Service, BRI Group Optimistic in Strengthening the National Economy

February 28, 2025 01:07 PM AEDT | By Cision
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JAKARTA, Indonesia, Feb. 28, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX: BBRI) – President of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, officially inaugurated the Pegadaian Gold Bank Service and Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). This inauguration marks a significant milestone for Pegadaian, a subsidiary of BRI (BRI Group) and a member of the Ultra Micro Holding alongside Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM), with BRI as the parent company. The inauguration ceremony was symbolized by President Prabowo Subianto placing a gold bar into a treasure box.

President of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, officially inaugurated the Pegadaian Gold Bank Service and Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)
President of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, officially inaugurated the Pegadaian Gold Bank Service and Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)

"I, Prabowo Subianto, President of the Republic of Indonesia, hereby inaugurate the Pegadaian Gold Bank Service and Bank Syariah Indonesia," declared President Prabowo Subianto.

President Prabowo Subianto expressed hope that the establishment of the Gold Bank could contribute to Indonesia's GDP by approximately IDR 245 trillion, create 1.8 million new jobs, strengthen foreign exchange reserves, and help reduce foreign exchange outflows.

The inauguration was also attended by key government and industry leaders, including Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Bahlil Lahadalia, Minister of Investment and Downstream Industry Rosan Perkasa Roeslani, and Governor of Bank Indonesia Perry Warjiyo.

In his report, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir highlighted that the Bullion Bank initiative aims to tap into 1,800 tons of gold owned by the public.

BRI President Director Sunarso emphasized BRI's confidence in the Gold Bank initiative, "As the parent of the Ultra Micro Holding, which includes Pegadaian and PNM, BRI is fully committed to supporting the success of this Gold Bank program."

Pegadaian President Director Damar Latri Setiawan also expressed optimism that the Gold Bank will accelerate economic growth. "Beyond pioneering the Gold Bank, this marks a new milestone where Pegadaian plays a key role in supporting the Asta Cita vision," Damar said.

As of 2024, Pegadaian managed 90 tons of gold, with sales reaching 9 tons, a 35% increase from the previous year. Meanwhile, BRI's Gold Investment feature on the BRImo app, launched in February 2024, recorded a transaction volume of IDR 279.8 billion by December.

"Through the Gold Bank, BRI Group is optimistic about contributing to Indonesia's economic acceleration by providing broader access to gold investments," concluded Sunarso.

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