September 13, 2024 05:00 PM AEST | By Cision
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KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Sept. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Energy Awards (NEA) 2024 uphold its tradition of honouring industry leaders and organisations for their commitment to adopting energy efficiency, renewable energy, technologies and practices. This year, 25 recipients are honoured for their significant contributions to optimising energy management, improving energy efficiency, and advancing renewable energy.

National Energy Awards (NEA) 2024
National Energy Awards (NEA) 2024

Spearheaded by the Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA), the NEA supports Malaysia's goal of reducing reliance on carbon-based fuels and promoting sustainable energy practices across all sectors, advancing the nation toward net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.

This year's National Energy Awards (NEA) received 134 submissions from various sectors, including healthcare, government bodies, and private sectors. These efforts collectively saved 315.37 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of energy usage annually, which is equivalent to about RM 45 million in reduced energy bills per annum at current tariffs, and generated over 283.71 GWh annually from renewable energy sources. The healthcare sector, particularly government hospitals, stood out with more than 65 submissions, showcasing strong leadership in energy efficiency and setting a positive example for others. This high level of participation underscores the sector's commitment to sustainability and the country's energy-saving goals.

"I am inspired by the progress made by various sectors in advancing our country's energy transition agenda. The commitment to sustainable energy development and practices will drive Malaysia's future growth. Congratulations to the National Energy Awards (NEA) 2024 winners! Your contributions to energy sustainability highlight Malaysia's leadership in energy management, renewable energy and energy efficiency." said Dato` Sri Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA).

These energy savings are crucial in advancing the nation's environmental goals, contributing to an annual reduction of 238,504.41 metric tons of carbon emissions, equivalent to planting 5,962,610 trees. This demonstrates Malaysia's continued dedication to a just and sustainable energy transition, in line with the country's pathway to achieving net zero by 2050.

Leading the way among the winning submissions is Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), which achieved the highest score, placing them in first place in Category 1 for Energy Management in Large Buildings. The university exceeded its annual energy reduction target of 3% per annum by achieving reductions of 17.8%, 18.5%, and 19.3% for the years 2021 to 2023.

The NEA also recognized outstanding achievements in Category 2 for Green Residential, where the Hydroponic House set a high standard with its central courtyard, natural lighting, and a 6-kW solar PV system that meets over 34% of its electricity needs. Additionally, under the Tropical Building sub-category, the PETRONAS Leadership Centre in Bangi was celebrated for its extensive greenery and eco-friendly design, including a man-made lake and solar energy integration that seamlessly blend with the landscape.

YAB Minister Fadillah Yusof emphasized that these achievements demonstrate Malaysia's commitment to sustainability and net-zero emissions. As energy demand grows, integrating renewable sources and improved grid management will be crucial in driving the transition to a sustainable energy future.

The National Energy Awards continue to invite submissions from all sectors, recognizing that sustainability can emerge from anywhere. The 2025 edition of the NEA will open for submissions in October, providing another opportunity for Malaysian organizations to showcase their contributions to the nation's energy goals.

For more information on the National Energy Awards and to learn more about the 2024 winners, please visit the official website:

About National Energy Awards:

Spearheaded by the Minister of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA), the National Energy Award (NEA) recognises the adoption of sustainable energy practices by Malaysia's business organisations across all industries and sectors.

The NEA initiative, which supports Malaysia's ambition to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050, encourages adopting sustainable energy practices and sharing knowledge of activities that adhere to sustainable energy standards. This is aligned with Malaysia's aspiration to be net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.

About Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC)

MGTC is an agency under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability mandated to accelerate green growth, advance climate action and inculcate green lifestyle.

Guided by the National Green Technology Policy (NGTP), the National Policy on Climate Change (NCCP), the Green Technology Master Plan 2017-2030 (GTMP) and the Twelfth Malaysia Plan, MGTC carries out programmes and initiatives to support stakeholders at all levels.

By 2030, through its various programs and initiatives, MGTC aims to facilitate RM100 billion in green investments, create 230,000 green jobs and help Malaysia achieve its net-zero GHG emissions as early as 2050 target.


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