Top lifestyle trends of 2021

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 Top lifestyle trends of 2021
Image source: Pixabay


  • The pandemic changed the direction of life on a significant level.
  • Few habits have been widely inculcated during this year- be it dependency upon local businesses, pet culture, revised hygiene routines, to name a few.
  • Now, it is to be seen which trends remain in the list in 2022.

The pandemic changed how people lived their day-to-day life. From the horrific medical conditions around the world to the benefit of staying with the family after years; the pandemic changed the direction of life on a significant level. 

Change of lifestyle varied based upon demography, culture, generation, etc. However, there have been several common changes that occurred across regions. These trends tapped communities around the world during 2021.

GOOD READ: People should be at the heart of recovery from the pandemic! 

Following are the trends that dominated the lifestyle segment around the world in 2021: 

  • Local got vocal: People in Australia and other countries started depending upon local businesses once more. The small ice-parlour from the lane next to societies got its customers back. From local travel to local food, every local amenity got its place back.
  • Pet friendliness on the rocks: Thousands of street animals were adopted during the pandemic, and especially in 2021. People got distanced from the pre-pandemic social lifestyle, they got closer with the idea of having a pet.

Minimalistic life

Image source: Pixabay

  • Flexible work options flowered: In 2021, people preferred flexible working options. Many got shifted to free-lancing, many joined companies with flexible working hours. The times have been challenging, and difficult working options are the last thing to bear.
  • Micropreneur-the shining star: The new term flashed through the markets across the world. Many people started their small business from their houses. People who lost their jobs because of the pandemic started small businesses to bear the cost of time.
  • Significance of hygiene: When the pandemic began, everybody started following hygienic lifestyle religiously. However, everyone couldn’t settle well with the hygiene flood initially, thus by the time 2021 arrived, people got adapted with the new changes. And, the significance of hygienic lifestyle boosted.

MUST READ: Should you consider a minimalist lifestyle?

  • Nuanced love for nature: Hundreds of people worldwide moved to villages, hilly areas, where they could feel closer to nature. The love for nature got rejuvenated in 2021. Away from the high-tech life, people relived the experience of being surrounded with nature.

Bottom line 

The above discussed are few of the many lifestyle trends that topped in 2021. In the pandemic, lives around the world have changed in one way or the other However, the above six habits have been widely inculcated during this year. Now, it is to be seen which trends remain in the list in 2022!


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