
Ark Mines plans beneficiation test work of Gunnawarra Ni Co samples

June 23, 2022 03:11 PM AEST | By Damini
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  • Ark Mines Ltd (ASX:AHK) has engaged IHC Mining to conduct beneficiation test work on Gunnawarra’s mineralised Ni Co laterite material.
  • The test work will majorly focus on magnetic separation, but other options will also be reviewed.
  • The initial 45-hole drill program finalised at Gunnawarra confirmed robust nickel and cobalt mineralisation.

Australia-based Ark Mines Ltd (ASX:AHK) has engaged IHC Mining (IHC) of Brisbane to carry out beneficiation test work on mineralised samples derived from the Nickel Cobalt (Ni Co) drilling at its Gunnawarra Project in North Queensland. The testing follows an initial successful 45-hole drill program at the crucial Gunnawarra prospect, known as ‘the Pod’.

Must Read: Ark Mines reports maiden assay results from 45-hole drill program at Gunnawarra

The Gunnawarra Project area is about 108km south-south-west of Mareeba, 130km south-south-west of Cairns, and 214km north-west of Townsville, which is an approved Cobalt and Nickel export port. The project comprises 11 sub-blocks covering 36km2 and borders Australian Mines’ Sconi project - the most advanced Cobalt-Nickel-Scandium project in Australia.

Details of test work

Ark has planned beneficiation test work on Gunnawarra’s  mineralised Ni Co laterite material. The test work will primarily focus on magnetic separation. Additional options will also be examined and reviewed to further improve extraction processes for the Gunnawarra laterite material.

Given laterites have significant iron content, the Company sees the potential to upgrade nickel grades via a magnetic separation process. However, the ability to upgrade heavily relies on how separate the nickel is from the magnetic iron.

Promising drill program results

In May 2022, Ark announced assays from a recently completed 45-hole drilling program at Gunnawarra, which confirmed strong nickel and cobalt mineralisation. The results of the program showed most intersections to be shallow with little to no overburden, with the deposit remaining open in several directions.

Good Read: Ark Mines (ASX:AHK) reports encouraging results from drill program at Gunnawarra

Ark Mines’ drill program at Gunnawarra

The significant intersections from the drill program include:

  • 28m at 0.73% Ni Eq from surface including 5m at 1.8% Ni Eq from 5m, including 2m of Co at 0.1% from 4m
  • 22m at 1% Ni Eq from 4m including 9m at 1.4% Ni Eq from 8m
  • 11m at 0.84% Ni Eq from 2m including 2m at 1.2% Ni Eq from 5m
  • 42m at 0.76% Ni Eq from 2m including 19m at 1% Ni Eq from 6m
  • 28m at 0.7% Ni Eq from surface including 6m at 1.4% Ni Eq from 3m
  • 14m at 1.12% Ni Eq from 3m including 4m at 1.7% Ni Eq from 8m

Way ahead

Coinciding with the beneficiation test work by IHC Mining, Ark will continue to advance its exploration initiatives targeting known extensions of ‘the Pod’. Moreover, the Company will drill additional high potential targets identified across the Gunnawarra tenement area as it looks to continue to build upon the historic resource at the project.

Ark is focused on developing and commercialising a Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) Nickel Cobalt product in North Queensland.

Ark Mines’ Executive director comment

Ark shares last traded at A$0.230 on 22 June 2022.

Related Read: Ark Mines Ltd (ASX:AHK) wraps up March 2022 quarter on a high note


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