- The Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia (EPA) has acknowledged receipt of the updated Response to Submissions (RtS) for Arrowsmith North.
- Formal acceptance of the RtS will lead to its publication on the EPA’s website.
VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) has provided an update regarding the progress of environmental approval for the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. The EPA has officially acknowledged receipt of the amended RtS document for the project.
Background of environmental approval application
On 31 October 2023, the company notified that it had submitted the RtS for review by the EPA. Subsequently, the EPA collected feedback from various state government departments and the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).
On 18 January 2024, the EPA shared informal preliminary feedback with VRX, which the company addressed in a response.
Formal comments were received from the EPA and the DCCEEW on 11 April 2024. The company updated the RtS based on these final comments and lodged the revised document with the EPA.
Next steps in the environmental approval process
Should the EPA accept the RtS, the updated document will be published on its website. Following this, the EPA will prepare an assessment report on the proposal, including recommended conditions, for approval by the Western Australian Environment Minister.
This update signifies a crucial step forward in the environmental approval process for the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project.
VRX shares traded at AU$0.045 apiece on 29 May 2024.