
Maiden Nxuu MRE stands out in Mount Burgess’ (ASX:MTB) December quarter report

February 09, 2023 02:40 PM AEDT | By Shwetambri Chauhan
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  • Mount Burgess (ASX:MTB) released the initial Indicated/Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for its Botswana deposit, Nxuu, in the December quarter.
  • The maiden Nxuu resource estimate stands at 8.3 million tonnes.
  • MTB needs to undertake further drilling at Nxuu to enable a 2012 JORC Code Indicated/Measured MRE.
  • Post the quarter, the company gained a two-year extension to PL43/2016 containing the Kihabe-Nxuu project.

Mount Burgess (ASX:MTB) has highlighted significant operational progress in its report for the three months ended 31 December 2022. The company remains committed to advancing its 100%-owned polymetallic deposits, Nxuu and Kihabe, in Botswana.

During the last quarter, the undertakings proved encouraging, with the company ticking off a key milestone concerning its Nxuu polymetallic deposit.

Notably, the company announced an initial Indicated/Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 8.3 million tonnes for the deposit. The MRE containing vanadium pentoxide/gallium/germanium/zinc/lead/silver remained in accordance with the 2012 JORC Code.

Subsequent to the quarter, the company secured a two-year extension to PL43/2016, containing the Kihabe-Nxuu project, until 31 December 2024.

Maiden Nxuu Mineral Resource Estimate

Mount Burgess suggests that mineralisation at the deposit occurs in a totally oxidised Quartz Wacke, within a shallow barren Dolostone basin, beneath Kalahari sand cover.

For the initial resource estimate, data from 70 drill holes was assembled, and low cuts of 0.5% for zinc, 0.5% for lead, 10g/t for silver, 300ppm for vanadium pentoxide, 3g/t for germanium and 10g/t for gallium were applied. The MRE contained more than 83% of the 70 drill hole lengths.

Further drilling at Nxuu, primarily in the region of 2,600 metres of HQ diamond core, is required to enable an Indicated/ Measured MRE in line with 2012 JORC Code.

Kihabe Deposit Mineral Resource Estimate

The company released Kihabe MRE in August last year. However, copper, germanium and gallium are yet to be included in this resource estimate.

Hence, further in-fill drilling is required to enable assaying for gallium and germanium. To date in assaying, these metals have been covered to a limited extent. Also, further in-fill drilling is required to define the copper mineralisation continuity for MRE.

Indicated and Inferred Resources In-Ground Metal Content at Kihabe and Nxuu

The Kihabe and Nxuu MRE includes a combined tonnage of 29.5 million tonnes at various grades of zinc/lead/silver/vanadium pentoxide/gallium/germanium carrying contained metal.

Vanadium pentoxide, germanium, and gallium - Metals of the future

Vanadium pentoxide is one of the critical components for meeting clean energy and energy storage needs in the future.

Gallium, added as an additive for producing low melting-point alloys and in mobile phones, has applications across blue ray technology, semiconductors, light emitting diodes and pressure sensors.

The US Government has declared germanium as a strategic metal with wide applications such as in high-brightness semiconductors, fibre optics, and infra-red optics.

MTB shares traded at AU$0.005 on 3 February 2023. 


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