
Haranga Resources (ASX: HAR) identifies new uranium targets from successful auger drilling at Saraya

February 06, 2024 02:53 PM AEDT | By Manisha
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  • Haranga Resources has received results of the auger drill program at the Saraya Project.
  • The drilling campaign has detected in-situ uranium anomalies at the Sanela and Mandankoly prospects.
  • Mineralisation intersected from Mandankoly's auger drilling holds values of 33 ppm to 98 ppm uranium under the laterite cover.
  • The auger drill campaign at Sanela has highlighted uranium concentrations of 47 ppm to 96 ppm uranium.
  • RC drilling is expected to start in February.

Haranga Resources Limited (ASX:HAR; FRA:65E0) has received results of the auger drill program being conducted at the Saraya Uranium Project. So far, the drilling campaign has detected in-situ uranium anomalies at the Sanela and Mandankoly prospects.

Key mineralisation indicators and lithology identified at Mandankoly through logging is like that of Saraya, which has an Inferred JORC mineral resource of 16.1Mlbs@578ppm U3O8.

The mineralisation intersected from Mandankoly's auger drilling holds values of 33 ppm to 98 ppm uranium under the laterite cover. This reflects upon the potential of the Eastern Saraya Lateritic Plateau to host mineralisation.

The auger drill campaign at Sanela has highlighted uranium concentrations of 47 ppm to 96 ppm uranium in the saprolite over sediments in contact with the Saraya Granite. This too hints at the potential for further exploration along this trend.

Overall, the auger results at Mandankoly and Sanela confirm rising grade from surface to fresh rock.

HAR will continue auger drilling in these areas to identify more targets for the RC drilling, which is scheduled to restart later this month, before moving on to anomalies recently announced at Saraya South.

Developments at Mandankoly and Sanela

Out of the nine areas that need infill grids, HAR has completed sampling over five areas - Diobi, Saraya South, Mandankoly, Sanela and Saraya East. So far, assay results for four grids have been announced.

At Mandankoly, six anomalous contiguous auger holes spaced 20m apart have resulted from the first auger line, drilled on a NE-SW termite mound surface anomaly.

As per the pXRF analyses, the saprolite samples hold uranium values of 33 ppm to 98 ppm in the granite under the lateritic cover. The anomalous samples reflect hematite alteration and a lack of quartz, suggesting a sheared system with episyenite-related mineralisation, similar to the Saraya project.

Auger drilling on lines immediately to the north and to the south of the initial discovery line is underway with the expectation that the results of this drilling will provide a clearer picture of the orientation of the anomalous structure and provide a target for the reverse circulation (RC) drilling.

At Sanela, the drilling is planned to test a 2km long termite mound anomaly developed on a NNE trend over the Eastern Plateau. An anomalous contact zone between the granite and sediments to the south-east has been uncovered from the first line of auger holes.

Segregating sediments within the Saraya Granite, this zone seems to be a NNE sheared zone with granite in the NW and sediment at the SE.

The saprolite samples in the sediments show anomalous results between 70ppm and 96 ppm uranium. HAR has planned new auger lines to intersect the NNE contact to the north and south of the first profile, so as to delineate the orientation of the contact zone and its potential.

 Diobi Auger Drilling

At the Diobi prospect, there is high uranium anomalism in the colluvial laterite. However, weaker anomalies have been detected in the underlying weathered rock from auger drilling, hinting that the uranium may be concentrated in the colluvial, between 50ppm and 80 ppm.

As per the auger drilling results, the uranium concentration may be predominantly associated with these surface layers, as opposed to the granite itself.

The auger drilling at Diobi developed a sectional line that showed weak results suggesting secondary low-grade mineralisation within the laterite itself. Furthermore, a second sectional line was drilled that delivered weak pXRF anomalous uranium ranging from 15ppm to 35ppm in the weathered rock. 

Next Steps (Data Source: Company Update)   


HAR shares traded at AU$0.230 on 06 February 2024.  


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