
Far East Gold (ASX:FEG) Bolsters Team with Xingye Expertise to Fuel Strategic Growth

March 18, 2025 06:15 PM PDT | By Sonal Goyal
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  • Monique Tang appointed to the Board of Directors of Far East Gold in accordance with the Xingye Placement Agreement.
  • She has over 25 years of experience in commercial M&As, international business and resource projects.
  • Tang has led major projects across China, Indonesia, and Australia, with a proven track record of fostering strategic partnerships.

Far East Gold Limited (ASX:FEG) has appointed Monique Tang to its Board of Directors, effective 19 March 2025. Tang currently serves as the Vice President and General Manager of Global Business at Xingye Gold Hong Kong Mining Company Limited, a strategic investor of FEG. Her appointment to the FEG board is made in accordance with the Xingye Placement Agreement, as outlined in the Company’s announcement on 5 September 2024.

Industry Expertise

With over 25 years of experience in international business, commercial mergers and acquisitions (M&As), and resource projects spanning multiple commodities, including coal, gold, silver, and tin, Tang brings a wealth of expertise to the FEG Board. She has held senior leadership roles in multiple multinational organisations across the Asia-Pacific region.

Tang has played a key role in leading large-scale project developments in China, Indonesia, and Australia. Known for her proven ability to foster international strategic partnerships, she has advised on business strategies, marketing, operations, and expansion initiatives.

FEG shares were trading at AU$0.150 at the time of writing on 19 March 2025.


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