
EarlyBirds Supporting Businesses with Sustainable Tech Innovations

November 24, 2023 02:09 PM AEDT | By Manisha
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  • EarlyBirds is an open innovation OSINT platform that lets early adopters, innovators, and experts to collaborate and work on eco-friendly tech solutions as per business goals.
  • Some potential sustainability-driven innovations are AI, robotics in manufacturing and business processes, quantum computing, IoT, blockchain, biotechnology, and data analytics.
  • EarlyBirds welcomes businesses onboard which intend to embrace these emerging technologies as a green solution in their processes.

To lessen the burden on the planet and improve the worsening health of mother earth, it’s essential to pace up the recovery. The adoption of renewable energy is one prime solution to lower reliance on fossil fuels and reduce emission of greenhouse gases. There is a need to opt for technology that promotes adoption, use as well as advancement of renewable energy sources, such as solar, hydro, wind, and geothermal.

Australian firm EarlyBirds is an open innovation OSINT platform that lets early adopters, innovators, and experts to collaborate and work on eco-friendly technology solutions as per business requirement.

Besides renewable energy sources, the most popular sustainability-driven innovations are artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, biotechnology, data analytics, quantum computing, Internet of Things (IoT), nanotechnology, and robotics in manufacturing and business processes. EarlyBirds welcomes businesses onboard which intend to embrace these emerging technologies as a green solution in their processes. To join, click here.

Robotics is a highly sustainable solution towards cleaner environment. Robots can be used in manufacturing operations to reduce waste, maximise energy usage, and lower carbon emissions. Robotics automation helps in accurate control over processes, keeping away energy-intensive errors. It can result in improved energy efficiency in the overall manufacturing process. Additionally, robotics can help in just-in-time production in lean manufacturing principles, reducing inventory levels as well as wastage in materials and energy.

Notably, AI has found its application in improving environmental sustainability through data analytics, machine learning, and advanced algorithms. The technology helps businesses achieve higher efficiency in resource management, proactive environmental conservation, and informed decision making.

The tech innovation is being utilised for more precise climate change modelling, weather prediction, sustainable agriculture, better environmental education, and awareness.

For an easy access to the above-mentioned advanced and disruptive technologies for better sustainability, EarlyBirds platform hosts millions of innovator companies.

All early adopter businesses can benefit from the improved environmental sustainability for reduced energy costs as well as carbon footprints. Thus, EarlyBirds plays the part of assisting innovators in connecting with customers for their new tech products. Simultaneously, the open innovation platform lets early adopter companies to find apt technologies against their business challenges.

To know in detail about the platform, you may visit http://earlybirds.io.


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