
Black Canyon (ASX: BCA) reports positive results from expanded high purity manganese sulphate feedstock testwork

June 01, 2023 10:10 AM AEST | By Shwetambri Chauhan
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  • Latest testwork using oxide samples from BCA’s 100% tenements has delivered in situ grades between 7% and 28.5% Mn.
  • The company is elated that simple beneficiation significantly upgraded the in situ manganese content to grades between 20.1%-33.8% Mn.
  • BCA intends to commence maiden drill programs across a number of the shallow manganese oxide targets.
  • Commencing in July, the drill testing would establish Mineral Resource potential and provide HPMSM feedstock.

Black Canyon Limited (ASX: BCA) has reported an encouraging update concerning its expanded high purity manganese sulphate (HPMSM) strategy, designed to ascertain the amenability of various manganese ore sources to simple beneficiation and ultimately the production of battery grade HPMSM.

The initial beneficiation testwork has delivered moderate to high-grade manganese concentrates oxide samples for the expanded HPMSM feedstock study with grades between 20.1% and 33.8% manganese.

BCA, the Australian manganese explorer and developer, collected the samples from its 100%-owned tenement portfolio across the prospective Balfour Manganese Field.

Manganese Oxide HPMSM Feedstock Variability Studies  

Steps undertaken as part of the expanded variability study (Data source: BCA update)


Now, BCA is looking forward to developing a low CAPEX, low-impact mining facility, which could get approvals at a faster pace. It would potentially reduce  the timeframes to supply manganese oxide feedstock to a downstream HPMSM facility.

The ASX-listed company has commissioned environmental and approval company, Preston Consultants to seek advice on the related environmental studies, approvals and timeframes as needed for a campaigned based mining operation using simple beneficiation processes to develop the manganese oxide materials in preparation for hydrometallurgical processing into HPMSM.

This is what BCA Executive Director commented on the recent development:

In July, the Company intends to undertake drill programs across the shallow manganese oxide targets, to potentially define Mineral Resources. Post which, the Company plans to examine various development scenarios to further refine the hydrometallurgical flowsheet and progress more advanced studies required for the HPMSM market, Cummins added.

Growing HPMSM demand for Li-ion batteries

BCA highlights that the demand for HPMSM required for Li-ion batteries has been registering year-on-year rise. As the US and Europe are looking forward towards setting up their independent supply chains within their own or free trade partner jurisdictions, the company believes that there lies significant opportunity.


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