
Be an ace investor with Sivastatz stock data screens

March 09, 2023 07:42 PM PST | By Versha Jain
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  • Making money from the stock market requires in-depth research and knowledge about stocks and sectors, which is not everyone’s cup of tea.
  • Sivastatz is a data-driven tool that offers stocks screened based on theme driven fundamental and technical parameters. 
  • The platform offers 11 distinct pre-defined criteria-based stock data screens for comprehensive stock analysis.

There are several avenues available in the market where one can make an investment. Some are fixed return avenues, and others are market-based. Those seeking risk-averse safe investments may look at the fixed-return securities category, and those with a greater risk appetite may explore the wide variety of market-based options. 

Stocks are typically known for their high risk and high gain stature in the market-based choices available. However, picking the right stock is not everybody’s forte, as it requires in-depth research and knowledge about stocks and sectors. Even selecting one good stock requires analysis by experts who have both the knowledge and structured data at their disposal. Needless to say, any investment to generate a desired return also needs sufficient time.

Thus, even in the disruptive technology world, value of structured and accurate data cannot be undermined.

Sivastatz, the data engine, is here to help access relevant information and data in one place with well-researched screeners based on pre-defined criterias, including fundamental and technical data metrics. It is designed to cater to the need for aggregate comprehensive data in one place with broker consensus recommendations on individual stocks. The platform provides data-driven tools that help evaluate relevant stocks as per relevant metrices – dividend, growth, profitability, liquidity, momentum, bearish among others. 

It has 11 distinct pre-defined criteria-based stocks data screens. Some of them are explained below.

Dividend Stocks Data – Dividend is one of the most sought-after benefits received from stocks. The dividend screener selects stocks based on revenue and net income growth over three years or more and which have delivered above-average historical growth in return on equity (RoE) in the last financial year.

Additionally, the selection filter takes only stocks with a P/E ratio below their historical average, indicating growth potential.

Market capitalisation and dividend yield are other important information available on this screener. While selecting dividend stocks, the dividend yield is crucial data, but this information is not useful in isolation and should be analysed with the facts such as whether the stock price was declining or the company just paid a special dividend, or does it have any growth prospects etc. 

The interesting information on the dividend stock screen is the number of analysts covering the stock, their consensus recommendation, and their mean target price. 

Growth Stocks Data – Growth stocks are those which are expected to grow faster than the average market growth. These are risky due to their volatile nature.   

The growth screener of Sivastatz selects the stocks based on their revenue growth over the past several years, along with the other operating metrics, including net profit growth, while ensuring the balance sheets of these companies are not over-leveraged. Debt is an important criterion for inclusion in the list. These stocks have a low debt-to-equity ratio, profitable growth, and healthy return on equity and assets.

Along with market capitalisation, other details such as revenue and net profit growth are available for these stocks in the screener. Besides this, the analysts’ coverage in terms of their consensus rating, consensus mean target price and the number of analysts covering the stock is also given for anyone to do a comprehensive analysis and find out suitable stocks. 

Cash Flow Stocks Data - The cash flow stock screener selects stocks that have generated positive cash flows for at least three years and delivered dividends. The stocks screened with these criteria are not restricted to one single market cap category.

Cash flow is a vital indicator to understand a company’s financial strength and liquidity position and whether it is making money from its operations.

Strong positive cash flow indicates a company can grow using its own funds and may not need to over-leverage its balance sheet.

The easy-to-use cash flow screener provides this information on one screen for the users to grasp and analyse. 

Momentum Stocks Data – Momentum is a technical indicator which shows the velocity of price movement. Users can check this parameter along with other parameters to analyse the stock and categorise the price trend as bullish. 

This can be a useful indicator for one to understand whether the investment is with the trend and take action accordingly. 

On Sivastatz, the momentum indicator filters the stocks which have positive momentum. The screener uses Relative Strength Index (RSI), Simple Moving Averages (SMAs), Moving Average Convergence/ Divergence (MACD), Directional Movement Index (DMI), Volume and Beta for selection.  

Beaten-down Stocks Data – This is another interesting stocks data screen  which selects value stocks across different market cap categories. The eligibility criteria for selection in this screenis positive revenue and earnings growth for three years at the minimum. 

The beaten-down screener shows stocks of companies from small to large market capitalisation, which have a P/E ratio below their historical average and revenue and EPS growth above their historical average. Further, it filters the companies which have over 10% ownership by strategic entities.  

Like these, there are six more theme-based stock screens  for users’ aid. The data is updated every week for all the screens. To access these stocks data, one has to subscribe to the platform.


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