"You've Got a Friend" Charity Concert Aims to Promote Mental Wellness

December 19, 2024 03:55 PM AEDT | By Cision
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HONG KONG, Dec. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The "You've Got a Friend" charity concert, organized by the Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association, will take place from April 9 to 11, 2025, at the Rita Tong Liu Drama Theatre of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. The concert aims to raise public awareness about mental wellness. Veteran media personality Brian Chow will serve as the director and talk show host. At the same time, renowned singer and HiFi diva Susan Wong will perform to convey positive messages and an optimistic attitude towards emotional well-being.

"You've Got a Friend" Charity Concert Aims to Promote Mental Wellness
"You've Got a Friend" Charity Concert Aims to Promote Mental Wellness

To further promote awareness of emotional health, the Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association held a press conference for the charity concert in mid-December 2024. During the event, Brian Chow and Susan Wong discussed the concert's objectives and preparation process. Former Miss Hong Kong winner Virginia Yung shared her experiences with emotional struggles.

Brian Chow, a beacon of hope in the fight against emotional disorders, reflected on the past two decades. He stated, "I often ask myself if I have emotional problems without realizing it. Fortunately, I have not magnified this worry and frequently remind my friends that if they suspect they have emotional issues, they should share their feelings with others and seek professional help if necessary." He emphasized that emotional disorders are pervasive, and people sometimes choose to avoid confronting their problems. This is one of the reasons he is participating in the charity concert, hoping to encourage those around him to understand that "there's always a friend by your side; You've Got a Friend!"

Susan Wong, who balances her roles as a practicing accountant, wife, and mother, spoke about the pressures and challenges of her multiple identities. She shared, "I listen to music when I'm happy, and when I'm not, singing helps relieve my mood. Through this concert, I hope to use my music to heal everyone's emotional health and help those struggling with emotional issues release their stress and find a brighter future. It's okay not to be okay!"

Your support is crucial in our mission to promote mental wellness. Tickets for the 'You've Got a Friend' charity concert, priced at $980, $680, $480, and $280, are now available online at www.cityline.com or by calling the ticket hotline at (852) 2111 5333. We look forward to your participation in this meaningful event.

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