Taiwan's Premier "TAIWAN HOST" Make a Dazzling Debut at Malaysia's MATTA Travel Fair

September 10, 2024 03:35 PM AEST | By Cision
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TAIPEI, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- To promote the "TAIWAN HOST" brand, the Taiwan Tourism Administration not only hosted the Gold Award selection for top homestays but also made a prominent appearance at the 2024 MATTA Autumn Travel Fair in Malaysia. The event focused on showcasing Taiwan's curated guide to "TAIWAN HOST" with the aim of introducing the brand's core values to Malaysian visitors and raising awareness through TAIWAN HOST's official website. This news comes from Staynews.

Homestay Hosts Introduce the Unique Features of the "TAIWAN HOST" Brand to International Travelers/(Photo/Courtesy of Taiwan Tourism Administration)
Homestay Hosts Introduce the Unique Features of the "TAIWAN HOST" Brand to International Travelers/(Photo/Courtesy of Taiwan Tourism Administration)

"TAIWAN HOST" represents Taiwan's official selection of top-tier accommodations, chosen for their adherence to the principles of "Friendly, Approachable, Clean, Hygienic, Safe, and Well-Mannered" service. These homestays offer travelers high-level service and a comfortable lodging experience deeply rooted in local culture. According to Director Chou of the Taiwan Kuala Lumpur Office, "TAIWAN HOST" embody the essence of Taiwan's deep cultural heritage combined with the warmth and hospitality of its hosts, making them an ideal guide for immersive travel in Taiwan and a favorite among international visitors.

"TAIWAN HOST" Brand is the Top Accommodation Choice for International Travelers Visiting Taiwan /(Photo/Courtesy of Taiwan Tourism Administration)
"TAIWAN HOST" Brand is the Top Accommodation Choice for International Travelers Visiting Taiwan /(Photo/Courtesy of Taiwan Tourism Administration)

At the Taiwan Pavilion, a specially designed "TAIWAN HOST" display wall captured attention. The booth featured promotional videos of award-winning homestays and live presentations from various homestay owners, who shared Taiwan's rich and diverse cultural experiences. The enthusiastic interactions with Malaysian visitors led to numerous inquiries about traveling to Taiwan and exploring local accommodation options.

On the first day of the fair, several Malaysian travelers inquired about Taiwan travel information and booked their trips to Taiwan. The event also highlighted the Taiwan accommodation website, providing travelers with a reliable resource for planning their stay and ensuring a worry-free experience in Taiwan.

Taiwan Tourism Administration Invites Travelers from Around the World to Experience the Charm of "TAIWAN HOST" (Photo/Courtesy of Taiwan Tourism Administration)
Taiwan Tourism Administration Invites Travelers from Around the World to Experience the Charm of "TAIWAN HOST" (Photo/Courtesy of Taiwan Tourism Administration)

Looking ahead, the Taiwan Tourism Administration will continue to highlight 100 Gold Award "TAIWAN HOST" with information available in both Chinese and English. This initiative aims to offer international travelers a range of accommodation choices and to provide them with the opportunity to enjoy the warmth and excellence of Taiwan's homestay hosts.

For more information about the Gold Award "TAIWAN HOST" please visit TAIWAN HOST's official website at https://taiwanhost.taiwan.net.tw/.


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