Tai'an, China's "Artificial Intelligence+Cultural Tourism" Innovation Breaks through the Situation

March 20, 2025 01:37 PM AEDT | By Cision
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TAI'AN, China, March 20, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- This is a report from the Shandong office of Hong Kong Business Daily. Recently, Associate Researcher at the Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and PhD in Economics from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, continued to write an article objectively analyzing the changes that artificial intelligence will bring to the tourist city of Tai'an.

Xu Ji believes that the climbing robot in Mount Taishan Scenic Area has become a beautiful landscape, which can greatly increase the consumption opportunities of tourists. The traffic volume of Tai'an is huge. During the 2025 Spring Festival alone, the number of tourists will reach 2.5755 million, and the related content of "climbing power robot" in Mount Taishan Scenic Area will be viewed more than 100 million times on the whole network. In addition, Tai'an will also share the same brand of assistive robots with the fire department for trial, which will greatly benefit the acceleration of smart transformation in public sectors such as fire rescue. The good experience of mountain climbing assistive robots among tourists in Tai'an will drive them to use health and wellness assistive robots, which will contribute to the growth of the health and wellness industry and the prosperity of the silver haired economy.

Continuing to say that leveraging data advantages to achieve advantageous industry chain extension is an important direction for Tai'an's cultural and tourism industry efforts. Tai'an has built a cultural and tourism industry brain based on big data, artificial intelligence, and GIS, integrating multi-dimensional data such as tourist information, tourism resources, and urban supporting facilities. The cultural and tourism industry brain can not only determine the carrying capacity and operational efficiency of scenic spots, optimize the spatial layout of tourism resources, but also link emergency broadcasting and smart gates to control and guide the flow of people in scenic spots. In addition, the cultural and tourism industry brain can optimize product recommendation and customer service services according to the basic information and behavior characteristics of tourists, so as to meet the diversified consumption experience of tourists to boost cultural and tourism consumption.

According to the brain data of Tai'an's cultural and tourism industry, during the Spring Festival in 2025, the proportion of adult tourists aged 18-23, 24-30, and 31-40 will be 23.11%, 20.58%, and 49.78%, respectively.



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