Success of National Winter Games ensured by technological applications

March 01, 2024 07:32 AM CET | By Cision

BEIJING, March 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from

The 14th National Winter Games was successfully held in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, with a smart command system facilitating the smooth progress of the competitions.

During the Games, the short track speed skating and figure skating events took place in succession at the same venue, with a schedule that allows only a 24-hour interval for the ice rink to undergo mode switches. This change requires close coordination between the heating and power supply mechanical systems.

Beneath the ice surface lies a dense network of pipelines and temperature control equipment, while on the display screens, real-time monitoring data is continuously presented.

Data such as ice thickness, hardness, temperature, as well as the venue's indoor temperature and humidity indices, are transmitted in real-time to the remote intelligent system.

The constant temperature heat exchange station automatically calculates and adjusts the opening of various valves to ensure that the ice-making equipment and venue are always in optimal operating conditions.

Additionally, during the short track speed skating competition, the lighting and sound effects during the athletes' entrance and intervals created a vibrant atmosphere and enhanced the live viewing experience for on-site spectators.

"This is the first time a sports presentation system has been introduced in a large-scale domestic winter sports event," said Xue Yang, a staff member from the Hulunbuir Executive Committee Office of the 14th National Winter Games.

This carefully designed audio-visual technology application not only enhances the viewing experience for the audience, but also motivates the athletes by adjusting the on-site atmosphere.

Additionally, staff members explained that the operation of the venues for the Games adheres to environmentally friendly principles. The giant wind turbines on the Hulunbuir Grassland provide green electricity for the Games, achieving 100 percent clean power supply for the event venues.

To ensure the event's smooth operation, the State Grid Hulunbuir Power Supply Company implemented a newly launched power supply scheduling and control system to precisely monitor the power supply lines for the Games. 

After the deployment of this new assurance module, a combined approach of visual monitoring and data interaction effectively monitors 77 power lines related to the areas in Hulunbuir that are involved in the Games.

Staff members can monitor the operational status of the safeguarded lines in real time. In the event of a fault, the system immediately issues an alarm signal and pushes work orders to help maintenance personnel accurately locate the fault, shorten fault diagnosis time, and improve repair efficiency.


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