Save The Children connects the world, Creating a Joyful Childhood for a Boundless Future

April 11, 2024 02:00 PM AEST | By Cision
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#SavetheChildrenHK #救助兒童會 #ChildGuardian #MonthlyDonation #兒童保護使者月捐計劃

Hands together, Empowering Lives with Care

HONG KONG, April 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Education is a ray of hope for a bright future for every child. In Hong Kong, every parent tries their best to choose the most suitable school for their beloved children, aspiring for them to thrive, learn joyfully, and pursue their ambitious dream. It is imperative that all children worldwide have the privilege to learn in nurturing environments.

Unfortunately, this ideal is far from reality, as countless children globally have been uprooted by natural disasters, conflicts, and human-made catastrophes, resulting in the loss of not only their schools and homes but also their well-being and fundamental right to education.

According to Save the Children Hong Kong, roughly half of the world's out-of-school children reside in countries affected by war or disasters, 1/6 children of secondary school age are deprived of education, and over 124 million children have never had the chance to go to school or been compelled to abandon it. The opportunity to learn is not universally guaranteed for every child.

Seven-year-old Omar, who lives with his family in an internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in Tran, Somalia. Despite facing hardships, he finds solace in drawing and playing football. Omar's family was compelled to flee their Ethiopian home following a severe drought and locust infestation that ravaged their farm. Despite his young age, Omar aspires to become a teacher and aid individuals in similar circumstances.

Through the Child Guardian monthly donation, Omar now attends nursery school, where he thrives in Save the Children's Child-Friendly Spaces alongside other children from the camp, fostering a culture of solidarity and compassion. Additionally, Omar's mother receives financial assistance from Save the Children to procure essentials such as food, alleviating their previous struggles with hunger and natural disasters.

"The ability to pursue dreams is only possible when there is an environment in which you can survive".

In 2022, Save the Children has impacted over 48.8 million children worldwide, offering them opportunities to learn and flourish in secure and wholesome surroundings. You too can extend a helping hand to the young ones close to your heart, accompanying them on their journey to realize their aspirations, reshape their destinies, and foster a brighter future for whole communities.

By committing to a steadfast monthly donation, you empower Save the Children to design enduring and impactful initiatives for children. Become a child advocate today and connect with children globally through Save the Children, enabling the sustainability of their efforts, transforming children's lives, and leaving an enduring mark on society.

Be a Child Guardian:

Tel: (852) 3160-8786
[email protected]

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About Save The Children
Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In Hong Kong and 120 countries around the world, we do whatever it takes – every day and in times of crisis – so children can fulfill their rights to a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. With over 100 years of expertise, we are the world's first and leading independent children's organization – transforming lives and the future we share.

To learn more, visit our website or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.


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