NordVPN: Website categories employers don't want you to visit

September 19, 2024 08:00 AM AEST | By Cision
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Cybersecurity experts say that blocking certain websites lowers the risk of cyberattacks and removes distractions

LONDON, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- According to data collected by a network security NordLayer, developed by the leading cybersecurity company NordVPN, a significant portion of employers (72%) block malicious and adult websites. Malicious websites can pose severe security threats by spreading malware, while adult websites are often restricted due to concerns over inappropriate content and productivity loss. Gambling sites are blocked by 43% of employers, likely due to concerns over addiction and productivity loss.

"In today's threat landscape, where cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, DNS filtering plays a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive data, maintaining regulatory compliance, and preserving the integrity of organizational networks," says Ugne Mikalajunaite, Country Manager Taiwan at NordVPN.

Employers seek to maintain a professional work environment

Besides just blocking adult websites, many managers take a step further to maintain a professional work environment. For example, 30% block dating sites, 28% do not allow access to sex education websites, and about 12% of employers even block lingerie sites.

Information or sales related to drugs websites are blocked by 37% of IT managers. Interestingly, 21% of employers block VPN websites, likely to prevent employees from circumventing network restrictions and accessing blocked content, which could pose security risks or productivity concerns.

Employer restriction priorities in different regions 

In Europe, businesses exhibit the greatest inclination to block adult content websites, with 67% of employers imposing such restrictions.

North America prioritizes mitigating security risks by having the highest percentage (70%) of employers blocking access to malware websites. Asia stands out with a distinct emphasis on curbing access to illegal or unethical content, as evidenced by 73% of employers restricting websites within this category.

Intriguingly, Asian businesses demonstrate a stricter approach towards gambling and gaming websites compared to their European and North American counterparts. While 64% of Asian employers block gambling sites, the figures stand at 37% and 38% for Europe and North America, respectively. Similarly, 36% of Asian organizations restrict access to gaming websites, contrasting with considerably lower rates of 9% in Europe and 20% in North America.

Another noteworthy regional disparity lies in the treatment of dating websites. European and North American employers exhibit relatively comparable stances, with 25% and 28% blocking this category, respectively. However, Asian businesses adopt a more restrictive policy, with 45% of employers denying access to dating sites.


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