MWC2024: Huawei releases Intelligent Factory solution, Creating a Better, Greener, and Smarter Future

February 28, 2024 06:16 AM PST | By Cision
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BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- At MWC 2024, Huawei launched the Intelligent Factory Solution, which was part of Huawei's Manufacturing and Large Enterprise Session on "Delve into Industries, Creating a Better, Greener, and Smarter Future". The session gathered industry leaders and experts to share the latest solutions and best practices in product R&D, production, and operation management, while also encouraging cooperation.

Liu Chao, CEO of Huawei's Manufacturing and Large Enterprises Business Unit, said: "The integration of digital technology and the real economy is advancing. Huawei will continue to leverage technological innovation and industry know-how to provide intelligent products and solutions that cover the entire value chain of manufacturing enterprises. We will also collaborate with partners to serve end customers better." Liu continued to explain that Huawei aims to help enterprises upgrade their ICT infrastructure to accelerate product R&D and innovation, improve production efficiency while reducing costs, and ensure streamlined, sustainable enterprise operations.

Wang Zhiya, COO of Huawei's Manufacturing and Large Enterprises Business Unit,  hosted the launch of the Intelligent Factory Solution. This solution adopts a technology architecture of "one cloud, one network, and one platform", which streamlines the engineering data flow, business information flow, and production process flow.

Specifically, "one network" integrates IP, industrial passive optical network (PON), and 5G, making it possible to seamlessly connect numerous devices on a large scale across multiple scenarios. In addition, "one network" also bolsters the data collection efficiency to an industry-leading 1 million data points per second.

Furthermore, Huawei Cloud provides data and application enablement, as well as other services, to support intelligent applications such as advanced production scheduling and digital twins. This can help manufacturers shorten the order-to-delivery cycle while improving overall equipment effectiveness.

The Launch of the Intelligent Factory Solution
The Launch of the Intelligent Factory Solution

Regarding enterprise ICT infrastructure upgrades, Tamás Szabó, Officer of Data Center at BorsodChem, shared his experience in building green data centers.

For intelligent enterprise applications, Lili Yin, General Manager of Europe at Quicktron Robotics, introduced the Smart Logistics Operations System Solution, co-created with Huawei. Yin also shared project on quick warehouse AMRs powered by Huawei's AirEngine Wi-Fi 6.

Huawei believes that with constant interaction, exchange, and collaborative efforts, enterprise digitalization and intelligence will progress, leading to more growth and a brighter future for the industry.

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