MR D.I.Y. Partners with Lark to Redefine Retail Innovation, Passing More Savings to Everyday Customers

March 03, 2025 01:00 PM AEDT | By Cision
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KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, March 3, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Lark, the all-in-one productivity platform trusted by leading homegrown brands in Southeast Asia, is proud to partner with leading home improvement retailer, MR D.I.Y., to drive their international expansion through digital transformation.

Committed to providing high-value items at low prices to everyday consumers in Malaysia, MR D.I.Y. has taken the international market by storm by opening stores in 13 countries with over 4,600 stores across Asia and Europe.

Through this partnership, Lark's productivity tool will be rolled out to 40,000 MR D.I.Y. employees across three markets - Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand - and used as the central productivity platform connecting all physical stores.

Lark will become the go-to platform, helping the retailer access information easily and complete daily and weekly audit checklists using Lark Base. Lark Moments will support company culture, while Lark Wiki will serve as a central hub for storing standard operating procedures.

Commenting on the announcement, Mark Dembitz, General Manager of Lark APAC said, "This collaboration with MR D.I.Y. marks a significant milestone in Lark's mission to accelerate the international expansion of Southeast Asian businesses through digital transformation. Our partnership with MR D.I.Y. is a perfect example of how the right technology can power a growing brand's international ambitions, ensuring that teams spread across diverse regions globally can collaborate effortlessly, overcome language and cultural differences, and increase productivity levels."

MR D.I.Y. Group's Vice President of Marketing, Alex Goh said "At MR D.I.Y., our goal has always been to deliver value to our customers, no matter where they are in the world. Partnering with Lark is a key step in our digital journey, helping us improve communication, operational efficiency, and scale seamlessly across international markets. It also supports our three-year digitalisation roadmap to strengthen our business and competitiveness. Its innovative platform helps our teams work smarter in a digital-first environment, boosting efficiency and growth. It also attracts top talent who thrive in a fast-paced, tech-driven workplace. By embracing digital transformation, we empower our people to stay focused on delivering 'Always Low Prices' and making quality, affordable products accessible to everyone."

About Lark

Lark is the next-generation collaborative tool that boosts efficiency, creativity, and engagement by integrating Messenger, Docs, Calendar, Video calls, Emails, and more into one easy-to-use app. Lark helps organizations create, distribute and consume information quickly and efficiently, no matter where staff are, what device they use or what language they speak.

For more information, please visit

About MR D.I.Y.

MR D.I.Y. is the largest home improvement retailer with more than 4,600 stores across globally including Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, India and Bangladesh, as well as Turkey, Spain, and Poland. The home improvement retailer is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of its valued customers by offering convenience at all its stores nationwide.

All MR. D.I.Y. stores are managed directly and the company often works in collaboration with other mass merchandise retailers or owners of malls or shopfront properties. MR D.I.Y. stores offer a wide selection of items across 10 major categories, namely hardware; household and furnishing; electrical; stationery and sports equipment products; and others (toys, car accessories, jewellery, and cosmetics).

The company strives to put customers first by operating an innovative business that is flexible when it comes to providing a wide variety of products, good quality and value-for-money, holding true to the company's motto of "ALWAYS LOW PRICES".

For more information about MR D.I.Y., please visit


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