"Image Possibilities Coproduction Plan" Supported Works Garner International Attention

March 04, 2024 01:46 AM GMT | By Cision
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BEIJING, March 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In recent days, a collection of documentaries depicting Chinese stories has garnered widespread attention from international audiences and industry professionals. These documentaries are part of a initiative known as the "Image Possibilities Coproduction Plan" (IP PLAN), released by China Review Studio aimed at fostering collaboration among international directors to create documentaries focused on Chinese themes, thereby promoting increased interaction and exchange.

"Image Possibilities Coproduction Plan” Documentaries

The IP PLAN has captured enthusiastic attention and participation from the international film and television industry, including internationally renowned experts and emerging young directors. In an increasingly conservative atmosphere prevailing in the global film and news industry, the project conveys a message that Chinese film directors are eager to collaborate as partners and friends with colleagues from around the world, engaging in joint productions.

Malcolm Clarke, a two-time Oscar winner, was invited to serve as a juror for the IP PLAN. He stated that this reflects China's desire to better understand the complexity of global communication. Clarke emphasized the importance of properly understanding and appreciating China, the Chinese people, and their achievements.

Renowned British documentary filmmaker Michael Wood expressed that the IP PLAN helps diminish ignorance and counters the growing cultural biases worldwide.

According to publicly available information, the IP PLAN aim to foster effective cultural exchange and enhance mutual understanding through international collaboration. It seeks to advocate global cultural initiatives while promoting a perspective on civilization that emphasizes equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusivity.


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