Huawei Liu Kang: Embracing 5.5G to Unleash Industry Dividends

February 29, 2024 05:41 AM AEDT | By Cision
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BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- During MWC Barcelona 2024, Liu Kang, President of Huawei ICT Marketing & Solution Sales, delivered a keynote speech titled "Embracing 5.5G to Unleash Industry Dividends" at the 5G Advanced: Completing the Enterprise Opportunity conference. Liu Kang said that 5G has become a must for industry digitalization and that upgrading to 5.5G is expected to enhance network capabilities by 10-fold. This, he noted, will drive industries to accelerate intelligent digital transformation and further unleash industry dividends.

Liu Kang delivering a keynote speech
Liu Kang delivering a keynote speech

Supported by 5.5G's key features such as 10 Gbps downlink, 1 Gbps uplink, deterministic network, support for 100 billion IoT connections, and native intelligence, operators can provide enterprise users with better connectivity services and a wider range of integrated ICT services. Such services will effectively support the core production processes of enterprises, and enable the all-scenario connection of things and more reliable intelligent transportation, thus accelerating both social and economic development.

Providing better connectivity services to enhance SME connectivity

Supported by 5.5G, FWA will continue evolving towards FWA² that features 20-ms low latency and high reliability. Operators will replace microwave lines and low-speed copper lines with better connectivity services, extending FWA services from home to enterprise scenarios, enhancing the connectivity of SMEs and maximizing network value.

Offering a wider range of integrated ICT services to accelerate industry digitalization

With its enhanced capabilities, 5.5G provides guaranteed speeds of 300 Mbps, 20-ms latency at 99.999% reliability. Furthermore, by supporting additional industry demands, such as networking, computing, cloud, and IoT, 5.5G will create "X capabilities" for industries, driving the digitalization and automation of more application scenarios in the future.

Providing effective support for enterprises' core production processes to increase production efficiency

5.5G enables uplink rates up to 1 Gbps, latency as low as 4 ms, and reliability as high as 99.999%. These capabilities can effectively support the core production processes of enterprises, significantly enhancing their production efficiency. Taking production at coal mines as an example, many underground mines have a fully-mechanized mining face that is longer than 100 meters. Thanks to 5.5G's ultra-large uplink capability, over 100 HD cameras can be deployed for real-time video uploading, and AI technology is employed to stitch panoramic videos from fully-mechanized mining faces. This 5.5G smart mine solution realizes "see all, see clearly" for underground operations. This is how 5.5G technology can contribute to health and safety regarding underground mining.

Adapting to IoT requirements across all scenarios to accelerate the development of a market of 100 billion IoT connections

5.5G enhancements can be seen in areas like uplink bandwidth, latency, positioning, and passive tagging, which can meet IoT requirements across all scenarios. The declining cost of RedCap and passive IoT devices is driving the IoT market to scale up faster and move towards achieving 100 billion IoT connections.

Enabling vehicle-road collaboration to improve driving safety and traffic management efficiency

By the end of 2023, the global connected vehicle count had reached 350 million. 5.5G Macro Sites enableto deliver low latency of 20 ms and high reliability of 99%, thereby accelerating vehicle-road collaboration for enhanced driving safety and traffic management efficiency. This solution has been verified from end to end in Shanghai, and is projected to improve traffic management efficiency by 30% and reduce average commute times by 20%. Liu Kang noted that close industry partnerships are instrumental in unlocking the benefits of 5.5G. Huawei is committed to working with industry and ecosystem partners to explore the wide-ranging applications of 5.5G technology, and bring about a new era of intelligent interconnection of industry applications. This will enable all participants to benefit from 5.5G development and enjoy shared success.


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