Huawei Launches Industry's First fgOTN-Compliant Optical Transmission Product, Creating Intelligent Foundation for Electric Power and Transportation Sectors

February 29, 2024 01:31 AM AEDT | By Cision
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BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Huawei unveiled a groundbreaking optical transmission product at the MWC Barcelona 2024, marking the industry's first introduction of a product supporting the fine-grain OTN (fgOTN) standard. This innovation establishes a robust and reliable communication network for the energy and transportation sectors.  

Huawei launches industry's first fgOTN-compliant optical transmission product
Huawei launches industry's first fgOTN-compliant optical transmission product

The significance of secure and reliable communication networks cannot be overstated in sectors vital to national economies and public welfare, such as energy and transportation. In the past few decades, the SDH hard pipe communication technology has been mainly used in production networks. With the evolution of industry digitalization, the demand for high-bandwidth production communication networks has surged to support a spectrum of emerging services such as automated power line inspections, smart power distribution, intelligent highway monitoring, and intelligent toll stations.

In December 2023, the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) officially approved the fgOTN standard and defined it as the next-generation technology for SDH evolution.

Gu Yunbo, President of Huawei's Enterprise Optical Business Domain, said, "Based on our extensive experience in the electric power and transportation sectors, Huawei launched the Huawei OptiXtrans E6600, the first product that supports the fgOTN standard, to help customers build future-oriented all-optical communication networks in the intelligent era and provide solid and reliable communications assurance for real-time control services, production management services, and integrated data services."

Huawei's fgOTN-compliant optical transmission products feature:

High security and reliability: TDM-based hard pipes ensure 100% physical isolation between services. 99.999% reliability and microsecond-level deterministic low latency ensure one-hop service transmission with zero interference and jitter, meeting the stringent requirements of small-granularity CBR services such as teleprotection and railway train control.

Smooth evolution: The unique MS-OTN platform enables smooth upgrades of existing Huawei E series products on live networks to support fgOTN, while maintaining compatibility with PCM/PDH/SDH/ETH/SDI services. Additionally, with NCE, Huawei ensures simplified service provisioning and management akin to SDH, preserving familiar O&M practices.

10-fold bandwidth: The line bandwidth increases 10 times to achieve 100G per wavelength, with future evolution poised to reach 800G per wavelength, meeting the escalating bandwidth demands of intelligent services. Flexible client-side bandwidth access ranging from 2 Mbit/s to 100 Gbit/s, coupled with hitless bandwidth adjustment, addresses the evolving requirements of smart terminals.


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