Global Mayors Gather in Guangzhou to Discuss Urban Innovation and Development Strategies

December 11, 2023 10:00 AM GMT | By Cision
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GUANGZHOU, China, Dec. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Winter comes late in Guangzhou, where lush trees and blooming flowers still grace the gardens. It is in this beautiful City of Flowers the Global Mayors' Forum is taking place. On December 8, the 2023 Global Mayors' Forum, co-organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and World Association of Major Metropolises (Metropolis), was kicked off in Guangzhou, attracting over 800 representatives representing 65 cities in 37 countries and 9 international organizations, including 23 incumbent governors or mayors. At the opening ceremony, speakers representing different cities and international organizations made remarks, recognizing the contribution of the Global Mayors' Forum and the Guangzhou Award to urban innovation and sustainable development.

The theme of 2023 Global Mayors' Forum is "High-quality Growth with Urban Innovation and City-to-city Cooperation". In the next two days, representatives from home and abroad will attend seven sub-forums to discuss topics of "Coordinated Development of Bay Areas and City Clusters", "High-Level Urban Opening-Up --- Global Cities Evaluation", "Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy", "Green Cities and Resilient Communities", "Urban Cultural and Historical Heritage", "New Philosophies in Urban Planning and Construction", "Urban Social Safety Nets and Community Governance", and participate in international exchanges activities including city tours and Mayors'Dialogue. They will explore new methods, concepts and ideas in promoting high-quality development of urban governance, and how to build high-quality partnership between cities to create a new era for development of global cities.

In recent years, Guangzhou has been promoting multilateral exchanges and cooperation at city level, establishing itself as a firm participant, active promoter and important contributor to the innovation of global urban governance. The opening of the 2023 Global Mayors' Forum provides an showcase for Guangzhou to present China's achievements of reform and opening-up to the wider world and an opportunity for the international community to witness such achievements.


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