GLN International, Achieves ISO 27001 and 27701 Certifications for Information Security and Data Privacy

February 27, 2024 05:00 PM PST | By Cision
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SEOUL, South Korea, Feb. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GLN International, a leading provider of global payment network and settlement solutions, announced that it has achieved multiple certifications for information security and privacy protection, including ISO 27001 and ISO 27701. These globally recognized certifications attest to GLN's exceptional capability in information security and demonstrate their unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standard of security and compliance.

ISO 27001 is the international standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), while ISO 27701 is an extension to ISO 27001 for Personal Information Management Systems (PIMS). With these certifications, GLN has demonstrated comprehensive set of policies, procedures, specialized expertise, and controls to manage and protect sensitive global financial transactions data, payment network information, and customer personal data. Building upon this certification, GLN is enhancing its payment network to be more secure, stable, and efficient by leveraging global payment data and operational know-how.

GLN International, established in July 2021 as a fintech subsidiary separated by Hana Bank for its global payment network business, has formed cooperation bodies with domestic and foreign financial institutions. Currently, it provides global payment network services such as cross-border QR payment, QR cash withdrawal (ATM), remittances, and payment of tuition fees for international students in core regions such as Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Laos, and Guam.

Kim Kyung-ho, CEO of GLN International, expressed pride and joy in obtaining dual certification, stating, "We are very proud and pleased to have obtained dual certification of ISO 27001 and ISO 27701. Going forward, we plan to continuously expand the service regions and types based on transaction information protection and personal information protection, in order to provide a safe and reliable global payment network to more partners and customers."


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