Frost & Sullivan Unveils Champions of Sustainable Excellence in the 2023 Sustainability 4.0 Awards

December 19, 2023 01:09 AM AEDT | By Cision
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~20 awards were presented to companies for their exemplary performance at the 14th edition~

~Nominations for the 15th edition of the awards are now open ~

MUMBAI, India, Dec. 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The 14th edition of Frost & Sullivan Sustainability 4.0 Awards was conducted on December 15, 2023, in a grand ceremony at Taj Bangalore, Bengaluru. The awards recognized companies embedding sustainability with economic value creation, creating value for all stakeholders, building a safer environment, and ensuring a stronger community. This year's awards were presented across five major categories: Super Achievers Award - Sustainable Corporate of the Year Award, Leaders Award, Challengers Award, Believers Award and the Consistency Award.

Genpact India Pvt Limited, Gurugram walked away with the coveted Sustainable Corporate of the Year Award in the service sector along with the Consistency Platinum Award, while Cairn Oil & Gas, Vedanta Limited received the Sustainable Corporate of the Year Award in the manufacturing sector along with the Consistency Silver Award. Hindalco Industries Limited, Mumbai received the Sustainable Corporate of the Year Award - 1st Runner up and also the Consistency Silver Award. GHCL Limited was awarded the Challengers Award - Mega Large Business in the process sector.

The Sustainability 4.0 Awards program highlights the need for linkages between an organization's strategy, governance, and financial performance and the social, environmental, and economic context within which it operates. This program enables businesses to make more logical and sustainable decisions that ensure long-term stakeholder value. It emphasizes the four pillars of sustainability: purpose, partnership, planet, and people.

Rahul Sharma, VP and Global Head, Digital Manufacturing & Sustainability, Frost & Sullivan, said, "Congratulations to all the winners for setting a pioneering example by seamlessly integrating their Digitalization initiatives with Sustainability strategies. Frost & Sullivan's Sustainability 4.0 Awards establish a global framework for evaluating and recognizing companies that embody the triple bottom line and circular economy concepts. This recognition empowers businesses to discover innovative pathways for sustainable growth, ensuring enduring stakeholder value."

Adding further Mr. Sharma said, "In the dynamic corporate landscape, where Digitalization and Sustainability emerge as formidable market influencers, the Sustainability 4.0 Awards program evaluates how organizations seamlessly blend Digitalization initiatives with their Sustainability strategies and provide a clearer roadmap for what they need to do to be future-ready."

To know more about the awards and the methodology, please visit
To schedule an interaction with our spokespersons, please email Aishwarya Nair at [email protected]

Recipients of the Sustainability 4.0 Awards 2023

Company Name

Award Title


Genpact India Pvt Ltd

Sustainable Corporate of the Year Award - Service sector

Cairn Oil & Gas, Vedanta Limited

Sustainable Corporate of the Year Award - Manufacturing sector

Hindalco Industries Limited

Sustainable Corporate of the Year Award - 1st Runner up, Manufacturing sector


Genpact India Pvt Ltd

Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Service Sector

Genpact India Pvt Ltd

Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Service Sector

Genpact India Pvt Ltd

Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Service Sector

Genpact India Pvt Ltd

Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Service Sector

Genpact India Pvt Ltd

Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Service Sector

Cairn Oil & Gas, Vedanta Limited (Rajasthan Asset)

Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Process Sector

Cairn Oil & Gas, Vedanta Limited (Offshore - Ravva)

Leaders Award - Medium Business, Process Sector

Hindalco Industries Limited - Belagavi Works

Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Metals Sector

Hindalco Industries Limited -Dahej Unit

Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Metals Sector

Hindalco Industries Limited - Aditya Aluminium

Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Metals Sector

Hindalco Industries Limited - Taloja Unit

Leaders Award - Large Business, Metals Sector

Hindalco Industries Limited - Mouda Unit

Leaders Award - Large Business, Metals Sector


GHCL Limited

Challengers Award - Mega Large Business, Process Sector


Sajjan India Limited, Unit 1

Certificate of Merit - Believers Category


Genpact India Pvt Ltd

Consistency Platinum Award

Cairn Oil & Gas, Vedanta Limited

Consistency Silver Award

Hindalco Industries Limited

Consistency Silver Award

About Frost & Sullivan
For over six decades, Frost & Sullivan has helped build sustainable growth strategies for Fortune 1000 companies, governments, and investors. We apply actionable insights to navigate economic changes, identify disruptive technologies, and formulate new business models to create a stream of innovative growth opportunities that drive future success.

Media Contacts:-
For Frost & Sullivan:
Aishwarya Nair, Corporate Communications – South Asia
M: +91 9599021706
E: [email protected] 

Twitter: @Frost_Sullivan & @FrostSullivanIN (Event Hashtag: #SustainabilityAwards2023)
LinkedIn: (17) Frost & Sullivan India: My Company | LinkedIn 



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