FPT Vietnam and Faeger to jointly support businesses in developing green agriculture in Vietnam

December 08, 2023 01:00 PM AEDT | By Cision
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TOKYO, Dec. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- FPT Corporation - The leading enterprise in digital transformation in Vietnam and the region and Faeger - A pioneering company in decarbonizing-oriented agricultural development in Japan, signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly research and develop consulting services and digital transformation solutions for businesses in the field of Agriculture in Vietnam.

Attending the event were Mr. Tran Duc Tri Quang - Chief Data Officer of FPT IS, Director of FPT Green Transformation Squad; Mr. Takahiro Ishizaki - Chief Executive Office of Faeger, and Mr. Yusuke Takai - Chief Operating Officer of Faeger.

The cooperation aims to promote technology development in the field of agriculture and forestry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate the green transition process in Vietnam.

Representatives of FPT and Feager signed a memorandum of understanding in Tokyo, Japan.
Representatives of FPT and Feager signed a memorandum of understanding in Tokyo, Japan.

FPT plays the role of creating and expanding the green transformation ecosystem in the domestic agriculture and forestry sector. FPT is also responsible for connecting organizations, businesses and the Vietnamese farming community. At the same time, the company will provide comprehensive services from consulting to implementing technology solutions to optimize management, reduce emissions and improve efficiency in agricultural and forestry production.

Faeger is committed to contributing professional knowledge, experts and connecting funding sources from the Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM) to support Vietnamese organizations and businesses to promote green transformation and ensure financial support for implementing projects. Feager also shared planning methods for effectively using Japanese investment capital for agricultural projects.

Mr. Takahiro Ishizaki, highly appreciated the opportunity to cooperate with FPT to promote green transformation in Vietnam. He shared: "Through this cooperation, we will fully support decarbonizing businesses, and contribute to increasing income for Vietnamese farmers thanks to our environmental farming efforts. This will become a typical project in the field of decarbonized agriculture, creating a premise for effective replication in Vietnam and the region."

Mr. Tran Duc Tri Quang also affirmed: "Green transformation is no longer a slogan, it has become an inevitable direction for any business that wants to participate in the global market. Determining the mission and strategy of promoting technology to realize green transformation in Vietnam, FPT is investing resources and building technology strategies to accompany the Government and other organizations and units to pioneer in achieving the Net Zero goal".

About FPT: https://fpt.com/ 

About Feager: https://faeger.company/ 


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