Creating a New IoT Ecosystem: Inspur IoT Platform (iOTP)

April 18, 2024 10:38 PM AEST | By Cision
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JINAN, China, April 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The development cycle for IoT software is long, the costs are high, and products are not reusable, leading to repeated development efforts.

Additionally, the industry faces significant challenges with the attrition of research and development personnel. In response to these critical issues within the IoT sector, Inspur Software Technology (IST) has leveraged its extensive experience to develop the Inspur IoT Platform (iOTP). This platform enhances the automation and unified management of IoT data collection through parametric, plugin-based, and visual mechanisms. This enables the IoT platform to achieve rapid integration, unified management, and easy scalability, empowering a wide range of industries.

The platform features capabilities including access to over 30 types of multi-source data, interactive exploratory analysis, support for over 30 chart types, and multiple analysis component page services orchestration. Integrated with an intelligent visual designer, the platform allows users to simply drag and drop and configure to create rich visual analytics reports and large-screen displays.

Serving as a crucial enabling foundation, the iOTP connects various types of sensory terminals, collecting and monitoring diverse sensory data in real time. It acts as a bridge connecting the IoT ecosystem with business platforms across various industries.

In the realm of natural resources, the Inspur IoT Platform (iOTP) provides precise data support for resource conservation by real-time monitoring of lake water quality, forest fire conditions, and the status of wildlife and vegetation. This aids in the sustainable utilization of resources and ecological balance.

In the emergency management sector, iOTP effectively integrates emergency resources and establishes disaster early warning and prevention mechanisms, providing strong support for government decision-making and public risk avoidance.

In park management, the platform enables the connection of devices and unifies data through intelligent management systems, reducing operational costs and providing robust technological support for sustainable development of parks.

In the tourism industry, systems such as electronic ticketing, intelligent navigation, and safety monitoring offer visitors more convenient, efficient, and secure services.

Furthermore, the Inspur IoT Platform (iOTP) has also been implemented in comprehensive governance, cultural and museum sectors, connecting information channels across various industries. This significantly enhances perceptual judgment and rapid response capabilities, expanding the management scope for administrators.

Media Enquiries: 

Yan Jiao
[email protected]



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