Brand Finance Confirms Yili's Position as World's Most Valuable Dairy Brand for Fifth Consecutive Year

August 30, 2024 09:07 PM AEST | By Cision
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HOHHOT, China, Aug. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Yili has been recognized as the world's most valuable dairy brand for the fifth consecutive year, according to Brand Finance's 2024 rankings released on August 20.

Brand Finance Confirms Yili’s Position as World’s Most Valuable Dairy Brand for Fifth Consecutive Year
Brand Finance Confirms Yili’s Position as World’s Most Valuable Dairy Brand for Fifth Consecutive Year

The rankings are based on a comprehensive evaluation of corporate financials, customer sentiment, and future prospects. Widely recognized for objectivity and professionalism, Brand Finance's rankings are a global benchmark for brand valuation. Yili has held the top spot on Brand Finance's list of the world's top 10 most valuable dairy brands since 2019. Its robust financial performance and commitment to innovation and sustainability have been key factors in its continued dominance. Yili has once again secured its top position in the 2024 rankings.

As we all know, commercial success is the cornerstone of building a strong corporate brand. In today's rapidly changing global landscape, Yili has maintained its position as a market leader and achieve consistent growth in total revenue for 31 consecutive years by leveraging its competitive advantages across the entire value chain. According to its latest financial report, Yili set a new record in 2023 with a total revenue of 126.179 billion yuan. International expansion is rapidly becoming a key driver of Yili's growth, with overseas revenue increasing by 10.08% year-over-year in 2023.

Leveraging its cutting-edge technology and industry-leading innovation capabilities, Yili continues to introduce groundbreaking products that cater to consumers' growing demand for high-quality, nutritious, and functional foods. Recent examples include AMBPOMIAL Active Probiotic Yogurt, Satine Active Lactoferrin Organic Pure Milk, SHUHUA AnTangJian Sugar Control Lactose-Free Milk, XinHuo and QingMu flavored dietary formula milk powder, Jinlingguan New Generation Infant Formula Milk Powder, Xujinhuan Low GI Ice Cream, and Ausnutria Dairy's nutritional and health products. These innovative offerings have been popular with consumers.

Yili is accelerating the digitalization of its entire supply chain. At partner ranches, the Yili Smart Ranch big data platform provides real-time data on productivity, activity levels, and sleep patterns of cows. Production facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art automation systems, including robots, driverless vehicles, and robotic arms, enabling fully automated operations from raw milk to warehousing of finished products. In the consumer market, digitalization is guiding product distribution and marketing strategies, enhancing the overall customer experience. Through years of innovation, Yili has evolved from a traditional manufacturer into a leader in smart manufacturing, with digitalization continuously boosting its brand vitality.

As noted in the Brand Finance report, Yili's robust financial performance and its dual-engine strategy of innovation and digitization have ensured the continued growth of its brand value.


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