Blokees exhibits at the 2025 Toy Fair New York: World Premieres of New IPs Products on Minions

March 02, 2025 05:04 PM AEDT | By Cision
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SHANGHAI, March 2, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- After its attendance at the Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair in Nuremberg, Germany this January, Blokees, a Chinese brand specializing in building block figure toys, made another major move in March by unveiling its latest products at the 2025 Toy Fair New York. At this year's event, Blokees hosted the world premiere of its first edition of the Minion Magic Series, based upon the hit Minions franchise, while the second edition of the Sesame Street Friends Magic Series made its debut as new releases. Moreover, Blokees will entice fans to the booth with our other popular building block figures based on international IPs like Ultraman, Transformers and Hero Infinity.

A highlight at the Toy fair New York was Blokees's new product—Blokees Minions Magical Series: Jelly Factory. The series features four iconic Minions—Bob, Otto, Stuart, and Kevin—with exclusive accessories and actions, like Bob getting a jam jar stuck on his head and Otto carrying fruit. The product recreates a humorous miniature Jelly Factory, capturing the fun of the jam-making process.

At the Singapore Comic Con in December 2024, Blokees captured attention with its Sesame Street Partners Magical Series 01-04. Building on that momentum, the company expanded the Sesame Street family at the Toy Fair New York with four additional beloved characters: Ernie, Bert, Oscar, and Count Von Count. Additionally, Blokees launched an exclusive item at the Toy Fair—the chrome-plated Bumblebee, which drew significant attention for its unique electroplating technique and intricate detail.

Blokees' success can be attributed to years of dedicated research and development. The company has continuously innovated in areas such as its gameplay system, production technology, and processes, establishing a distinctive product matrix with over 500 patents. Meanwhile, Blokees encourages global fans to engage in its BFC (Blokees Figures Creator) community, where they can express themselves through fan-made creations. As its global expansion accelerates, the BFC community is poised to become an international hub for creators.

With its strong R&D capabilities and Innovative product lineup, Blokees is implementing a "Universally appealing, Stepwise pricing, Globally promoting" strategy. From the Singapore Comic Con to the Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair to the Toy Fair New York, Blokees has been making steady progress toward its internationalization.


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