Bahri Wins Guinness World Record for Largest Mobile Desalination Plant

March 01, 2024 06:19 AM AEDT | By Cision
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Bahri Desalination Sets New Benchmark with Record-Breaking Floating Seawater Desalination Plant, in Line With its Efforts to Support Saudi Arabia's National Water Security

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, March 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bahri Desalination, a specialized business unit of the National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia (Bahri), the global shipping and logistics leader, has established a new milestone in seawater desalination production, reinforcing its position as the industry pioneer with the largest floating desalination plant ever built on a marine barge.

Bahri Desalination Plant Wins Guinness World Record
Bahri Desalination Plant Wins Guinness World Record

The achievement was celebrated at an event held at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, where Guinness World Records officially recognized Bahri Desalination's innovative mobile seawater desalination plant as the largest of its kind. Measuring an impressive 123 meters in length, the mega floating plant boasts a daily output of 50,000 cubic meters. Bahri, in association with the Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) and Metito Saudi Limited, has built three such state-of-the-art desalination units installed on customized barges.

Commenting on this achievement, Eng. Ahmed Alsubaey, CEO of Bahri, said: "We are honored to receive this distinction from Guinness World Records that validates our status as pioneers in engineering large-capacity, mobile seawater desalination solutions. As a leader in transportation and logistics, Bahri strives to develop innovative water projects that strengthen Saudi Arabia's infrastructure and self-sufficiency. This record reflects our cutting-edge work in deploying sizeable mobile floating desalination capacity where it is needed most along our coastlines."

The record validates Bahri Desalination's status as an industry pioneer in building large-scale, cost-effective mobile seawater desalination plants that can be deployed to new coastal locations. Going forward, Bahri will continue driving progress through pioneering projects dedicated to the sustainable development of Saudi Arabia's maritime and water supply sectors.



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