Asiabike Jakarta hits the road next week to steer growth in Indonesia's two-wheeler industry

April 22, 2024 08:00 PM AEST | By Cision
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HONG KONG, April 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The first ever trade fair dedicated to the two-wheeler industry in Indonesia,  Asiabike Jakarta opens next week from 30 April – 4 May at the Jakarta International Expo. The event will accelerate Indonesia's initiatives to promote sustainable mobility, with 97 global exhibitors pedalling the change, and a comprehensive accompanying fringe programme.

Speaking at the show launch press conference, Mr Edward Che, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented: "Asiabike Jakarta will fuse global, regional and local industry networks through strategic alliances between Messe Frankfurt and our valued partners. With the strong exhibitor lineup, Asiabike Jakarta will not only stimulate Indonesia's economy through foreign investment and tax revenue, but also foster the trade development and business opportunities of its two-wheeler sector."

To accelerate the development of the industry's supply chain in the ASEAN region, renowned international brands and lifestyle cycling leaders from Taiwan pavilion will unveil their latest advances in e-mobility and other sustainable cycling solutions. These include Aima, Bodo, Cnae, Datai, Dfjzdj, Dimen, Gobao, Gowei, Kuama, Lima, Luyuan, Ofero, Pacific, Pai, Phoenix, Phylion, Pony, Scud Power, Shiwei, Sinc Lithium Battery, Sunra, Tailg and Yadea.

Complementing the green mobility concept, a well-rounded fringe programme is designed to provide valuable insights on sustainability opportunities and transformation of the EV supply chain. Highlights include:

  • Promoting Green Development, Building a Green Silk Road Forum – by leveraging the Belt and Road Initiative between China and Indonesia, the goal is to introduce mature Chinese two-wheeler technologies and to promote economic development in Indonesia.
  • Tianjin Bicycle industry product showcase, Maximise the potential of 'Made in Tianjin' in global markets – Experts will introduce the advance Chinese e-bike technologies and products to the Indonesian market.
  • Test rides –visitors can take the bikes for a spin, to experience the performance and driving characteristics of various two-wheelers products.
  • Factory tours – fairgoers will get an inside look at manufacturing processes, techniques, quality control measures of electric vehicles, and facilities.

Asiabike Jakarta is strategically co-located with the Periklindo Electric Vehicle Show (PEVS) – dedicated exclusively to the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem. As an added benefit, registered buyers will enjoy free admission to the concurrent "PEVS". Asiabike Jakarta is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, Periklindo (Indonesian Electric Vehicle Industry Association), Pt. Dyandra Promosindo and Jiangsu Bicycle Co Ltd.

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#ABJ #twowheeler

Telly Cheuk
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd
+852 2238 9956
[email protected] 


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