APAC Hiring Intentions Strengthen as Employers Express Optimism for Q2 2025

March 11, 2025 03:01 AM AEDT | By Cision
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  • The Net Employment Outlook for Q2 2025 in Asia Pacific is 30%, up 3 points from both Q1 2025 and Q2 2024.
  • Employers in India (+43%), mainland China (+32%) and Singapore (+27%) report the strongest Outlooks in the region, while Hong Kong SAR shows the most cautious Outlook (+11%).
  • The Information Technology sector continues to lead hiring intentions (+42%), followed by Financials & Real Estate (+34%) and Industrials and Materials (+31%).
  • Larger organizations demonstrate the strongest hiring intentions, with companies of 5,000+ employees reporting the strongest Outlook (+38%).

SINGAPORE, March 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The latest ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey reveals a strengthened hiring Outlook across the Asia Pacific (APAC) region for Q2 2025, with a Net Employment Outlook (NEO) of 30%. This represents an increase of 3 points compared to both the previous quarter and Q2 2024.

Q2 2025 ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey - APAC Key Findings
Q2 2025 ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey - APAC Key Findings

The Survey, which gathered data from over 10,078 employers across seven APAC countries and territories, indicates a growing confidence in the region's labor market as businesses look to expand and invest in talent.

"The latest uptick in hiring intentions across APAC is a promising sign for the market. When compared to the previous quarter, the increased hiring intentions employers are reporting this quarter reflect the region's adaptability and persistent focus on growth," said François Lançon, Regional President, Asia Pacific & Middle East.

Besides employment Outlooks, the APAC report also shed light on the main reasons for staffing increases. 42% of employers in APAC report company expansion as the top reason for staffing increases, followed by new ventures requiring new roles (33%), and tech advancements needing more expertise (31%).

"Companies across APAC are proactively shaping their workforce for long-term growth and innovation. The focus on technology and expansion reflects a strategic pivot to future-proof businesses, ensuring competitiveness in a rapidly evolving global landscape. Initiatives like mainland China's AI investment fund, Hong Kong's investment in an AI Research and Development Institute, and Singapore's New Enterprise Compute Initiative are fueling demand for skilled talent, particularly in tech and AI. These efforts underscore the region's drive toward technological leadership, even amid economic challenges, solidifying APAC's position as a hub of resilience and opportunity," Mr Lançon said.

To view the complete results for the Q2 2025 ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey, including regional and country data, visit: www.manpowergroup.com.sg/meos-apac.


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