Air Premia Enhances Flight Safety with IATA Turbulence Aware

February 25, 2025 01:00 AM AEDT | By Cision
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  • Air Premia to Adopt IATA Turbulence Aware Starting March 1, 2025
  • Real-Time Turbulence Data to Enhance Safety and Passenger Comfort

SEOUL, South Korea, Feb. 24, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Air Premia (CEO Kim Jae-hyun, Yoo Myung-sub) announced today that it will introduce IATA Turbulence Aware, a cutting-edge safety tool developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), starting on March 1, 2025. This advanced system leverages real-time in-situ turbulence reports to enhance flight safety and passenger comfort. As of the end of last year, more than 25 airlines worldwide were contributing and utilizing Turbulence Aware data across more than 2,600 aircraft. By accessing real-time turbulence information, Air Premia's flight crews will be better equipped to avoid or mitigate the effects of turbulence, ensuring safer and smoother flights.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, airlines experienced 14,802 turbulence encounters in the first half of 2024, marking a 78% increase compared to five years ago. By adopting Turbulence Aware, Air Premia can shift from a forecast-based response to a real-time response, thereby improving its ability to secure safer flight paths.

The implementation of Turbulence Aware will enable Air Premia to effectively respond to Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) in airspace where turbulence was not predicted, and to adjust flight operations when predicted turbulence does not occur, reducing safety incidents for both passengers and crew.

In addition to joining the platform, Air Premia is committed to safety by sharing turbulence information in pre-flight briefings with flight and cabin crew, adjusting service timings for passengers, and introducing GE Aerospace's flight data monitoring system, 'Safety Insight,' to identify and manage potential risks during flights.

Koh Yoon Beom, Director of Safety & Security Division at Air Premia, stated, "By adopting IATA Turbulence Aware, we can strengthen customer trust and enhance our safety image. We are dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable flying experience for our passengers."

Dr. Xie Xingquan, IATA's Regional Vice President for North Asia and Asia Pacific (ad interim) said: "We welcome the participation of Air Premia in Turbulence Aware. Making use of accurate and up-to-date data in Turbulence Aware helps flight crews' efforts to avoid or at least mitigate the effects of turbulence. The quality of this data improves with each new contributing airline. Air Premia's contribution will help the industry improve the safety and comfort of crew and passengers alike."

About Air Premia
Air Premia is Korea's only Hybrid Service Carrier (HSC), offering high-quality services at reasonable prices based on its unique philosophy of providing essential premium services.


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