Activeport Secures $4 Million in Strategic Licence Agreement with Radian Arc

November 18, 2024 09:43 AM AEDT | By Cision
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SYDNEY, Nov. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Activeport Group Ltd (ASX:ATV) has sealed a $4 million perpetual licence agreement with Radian Arc Limited for Activeport's cutting-edge cloud gaming software.


  • Radian Arc will pay $4 Million for a perpetual licence of Activeport's cloud gaming orchestration software.
  • Radian Arc will continue enhancing this software to address its global Telco market requirements. 
  • The companies will continue to work together from a business development perspective across cloud gaming, AI and network orchestration in the Telco sector.

With this latest licence deal coming quickly on the back of the recent Rights issue,  Activeport is now fully capitalised and ready to accelerate its recurring revenue growth from network orchestration licences and SaaS for Telco's and data centres.

This licence deal highlights the value Activeport's engineering expertise in bare-metal orchestration. The software developed for Radian Arc uses AMD CPU, GPU and encoder ASICs to deliver high performance, low-cost game streaming on distributed servers at scale and is being deployed to more than 80 Telco's globally to deliver cloud gaming across their 5G networks.

Activeport Chairman and CEO Peter Christie commented "We are proud to have developed a world-class platform for the emerging cloud gaming industry. As the gaming experience evolves from consoles and PCs to the Cloud, Radian Arc will be there to catch a significant portion of that market with our software"

Radian Arc CEO David Cook says "Activeport's software engineering expertise was instrumental in facilitating Radian Arc's launch into Cloud Gaming. We're now at a point where we feel comfortable taking the development tasks in-house and broadening our focus into virtual computing and AI applications".

About Activeport

Headquartered in Australia, Activeport develops automation software and customer self-service portals for global telecommunication providers. The Activeport product suite enables network automation, minimising operational costs, accelerating 'time to revenue; and improving customer experience. 

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